Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Beef

Mains Pepper Salt Pineapple ...

Dough: Yeast is soaked in lukewarm water. Salt and oil, Add flour and add a little by little (until the dough is the right consistency). Stuffing: sauté the onion in oil and the meat is added. Spices and diced, peeled tomatoes added. The dough rolled out

Mains Pepper Salt Baking soda ...

Make a pandekagedej (meljævning touched in the bowl). 2. bake the pancakes-there must be 8 small pancakes. 1. cut Bacon up into cubes and fry them without fat in a pan until they are light brown-take them up. cut the onion into cubes and fry them in bacon fat

Mains Oil Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Cook the spaghetti al dente. Vegetables and sauté garlic in oil, be taken up and stored. Forcemeat FRY and the rest granted. Simmer for 5-10 min. vegetables mixed in at the end. The whole place in a shallow baking dish, alternating with spaghetti and

Mains Cayenne pepper Lovage Rosemary ...

Chop the meat and liver fine, arrow and cut the onions into cubes, also cut the bacon into cubes. Run this mixture 2 times through mincer to it is uniform. Prepare a real father's while you add eggs, finely chopped parsley, bread crumbs and spices. Graduall