Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Beef

Cold cuts Frozen beans Real killer Soup cube dissolved ...

Beef cooked approx. 1 hour, cut into small pieces, pork and lard chopped through a 4 mm. hulskive, the frozen beans in boiling water about 1 min. All ingredients mix well together, knead for they bind together well, stopped in a boiling bowel and cook about 1

Mains Basil Margarine or oil Paprika ...

Boil tortellinien in water with a little salt. Brown the meat in a pan with onions and white onion. Add the broth or water and tomato paste. Season with paprika, thyme, basil, salt and pepper. Came tortellinien in an ovenproof dish, pour over kødsovsen a

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon and ham into very small pieces and brown them lightly in a small saucepan for about 15 gr butter. Add the onion, carrot and celery, all finely chopped. When it is browned, granted it raw, chopped beef into the Pan and invert the around and

Soups EVS. potatoes Pepper Parsley ...

Onions and mushrooms, and sauté, and then put in the meat fry with. Then put the rest in, and boil for approximately ½ hour

Mains Pasta Pepper Salt ...

White cabbage and chop carrots subordinated and cut into slices. Brown beef in a little margarine and carrots and sauté with granted. White cabbage, Horseradish and add water so it almost covers. Never immerse the lid on and simmer for approximately 1-2 hours

Mains Margarine for frying Water Carrots ...

Cut the hvidkålet in pieces, not too rough. Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Saute beef in the margarine and when it is finished, add the carrots and white cabbage. Add water so it almost covers white cabbage. Let it stand and simmer to the cabbage a

Mains 3 Freshly grated nutmeg Pepper ...

Butter and break into pieces in the flour and the dough come together with an egg yolk and water. The rolled out and put in a pie dish. Brown the meat in a saucepan and stir until meat crumbles. Add carrots, thin udskivet, and leeks, tyndtskåret, and cook t

Mains Bacon Baking potatoes Puff pastry ...

Fry the steaks and saute the bacon in the pan 4. Scroll 4 sheets out and place a fillet steak on each plate. Put bacon and mushrooms over and close packages. Behind the packets in the oven 1 about 20 minutes at 200 degrees C until golden.