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Recipes with Bananas

Desserts (cold) Apple Pineapple, diced Orange ...

Cut the bananas into slices, appelsinen in both shared in half and Apple and pear, diced. Mix all the fruit together with raisins and turn the cream skimmed in. Sprinkle with daisy flowers. The mixture can also be filled in pancakes and flowers sprinkled on to

Desserts (warm) Orange grated must from here Orange juice from here Grated nutmeg ...

courses bake in the oven at 200 degrees, for about 5 minutes on each side. The skin must be black. Bananas peeled off and place in a greased casserole dish. Orange juice, orange zest and nutmeg stirred together and poured over. The butter shall be allocated

Desserts (warm) Oil to freely ring Butter Water ...

Cut the bananas into very large, thick slices. Beat the egg whites lightly with corn flour flour. Turn the first bananas in wheat flour, and then in the egg white. Heat oil in a pan and cook the banana pieces, until golden. Take them up and put them on the fat

Drinks (cold) Crushed ice cubes Acacia honey Bananas ...

All the ingredients, except the honey, blended to a uniform consistency. Smoothien season with honey, pour into tall glass and serve immediately.

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Cut the tendons of the fillet and rub it with salt and pepper. Place it in the gennemfugtede römertopf. Sprinkle karryen over and place the slices of fillet of back-so that it is completely covered. Next to fillet the shelled bananas, which are sprinkled with

Desserts (warm) Sugar Bananas Milk ...

Stir in milk, sugar, vanilla, egg yolks and flour along with the kvarken to a smooth dough. Add the pitted cherries, banana slices and raisins. Finally, gently turn the stiftpiskede egg whites in. Pour batter into a thoroughly moistened roaster. Bake the cake

Drinks (cold) Vanilla sugar Bananas Milk ...

Blend first milk and banana, and then add the vanilla ice cream and vanilla sugar and blend on to the ice is dissolved. Server in a tall glass.

Mains Curry Pineapple (from canned) Bananas ...

Let the pineapple slices drips of, cut them, pork and pork into cubes. Willow buds and peel the bananas. Slice both into thick slices. Set alternating meat, onions and fruit at 4 barbecue skewer. There penseles with oil and sprinkled with plenty of Curry. Rose