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Recipes with Bananas

Cakes in form Baking soda Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Beat the egg yolks and sugar together. Add sugar, flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Mash the bananas and add them and the lemon juice. Pist egg whites stiff and stir it gently into the dough. Finally add the chocolate. Pour the batter into a springfor

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the breast into thin strips and Brown it. Put it in a heat-proof platter. Cut the bananas into slices and peppers ug put it on. In cream foam mix crushed garlic mango chutney sambelolek and salt and pepper to taste. It is poured on top and put in a hot ove

Cakes in form Almond essence to taste (caution) Baking soda Sugar ...

There eggs and sugar together, stir in flour and baking soda in and a bit of almond essence. Peel the apples and grate them. cut bananas into thin slices. Favor the banana slices into a greased casserole dish. Pour the grated apples or more. Now the dough o

Cakes Baking soda Cocoa Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar, beat well. Flour, cocoa and baking soda be turned in. The dough spread out in a small roasting pan, which is lined with baking paper. Bake 5 minutes at 200 degrees c. Invert immediately onto a piece of sugar sprinkled paper. The cake i

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Vanilla pod Orange liqueur (or more) ...

Bananas peeled, sliced and put in a buttered, ovenproof dish. Stænkes with banana liqueur. You can use lemon juice to taste. Put the dish in the oven at 250 °, or under grill in 10-15 min. slices of ice cream and strawberries added into the dish, and serve imm

Desserts (warm) Rome Grated peel from one orange (lemon can be used) Bananas ...

Bananas, peeled, cut in half and cut into 3 slices on the long part. The butter is melted in a pan along with sugar, so it gets the caramel consistency. Bananas are met on his forehead along with nuts and orange peel. Pour the rum over and set fire to it.

Desserts (warm) Orange grated to thereof Cognac or grand marnier Orange juice thereof ...

Bananas are shared on the butter melted on his forehead along., the grated Orange Peel added. Bananas Brown in the butter. Sugar sprinkled over, orange juice is added. Bananas is warmed through. Flaming: Bananas must be very hot. Remember to switch off the hoo

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Banana liqueur Chocolate (dark) ...

Bananas steamed lightly for about 10 min. in syrup with ROM. cool in sheeting. Served in a deep serving bowl, garnish with coarsely grated chocolate and the cream, candied violets.