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Recipes with Acacia honey

Candy Skimmed milk Butter Acacia honey ...

Cocoa, powdered sugar and oatmeal mix. Butter, honey and skim milk is stirred in. chocolate (like over 50%) melted over low heat and Add. The whole thing is mixed well with the hands and rolled in coconut flakes. The Bullets made cold and stored in a plastikbo

Mains Seasonal fresh vegetables Butter for frying Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Chicken: Chicken Breasts Brown and FRY about 10 minutes in a frying pan. Meanwhile, put red wine and honey over to boil. This boils down to a syrupy consistency. Chickens placed in heat-proof dish and pour over the nedkogte layer. Finished FRY in the oven at 2

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken thighs with backbone ...

Pat the meat dry and slice, if desired. Needless fur and fat. Brown the pieces very well on both sides in a pan. It is not necessary to use FAT, since the skin gives off a part. Season with salt and pepper and place the pieces into a baking dish. Cut the on

Mains Ginger, crushed Apples Acacia honey ...

Tenderloin, cleaned and cut into steaks at 2-3 cm that plumped out. The Brown in olive oil and place in a serving dish. Brown onion and garlic lightly. Pepper Apple and tomatoes are added and it all some gruel is ca. 5 minutes. Add the broth and season w

Lunch Rye bread Acacia honey Salt ...

Herring fillets sprinkled with spices, salt and FRY in butter about 2 min. on each side. Mango peeled, stone removed, flesh cut into both. The apples cut into both. Orange juice, wine vinegar, pink pepper and honey boiled together for about 2 min. and reversed

Mains Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

Chicken filled with raw Apple pulp and ombindes with bacon slices. put in baking dish. Brushed with oil, honey, a little salt, pepper and ginger. FRY in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 30 minutes, then at 225 degrees c. alm. oven for

Mains Friessé salad Cucumber Rose pepper ...

Boil a liquid medium to rødløgene of red wine, honey, red wine vinegar,. bamboo salt and white pepper. It is poured over the onions and they must pull in about 2 hours on ice. The cucumbers must be freed from cores and cut into slices. And place in a layer of

Mains Lemon Cinnamon stick Parsley ...

Start with to peel all the potatoes. Tournér then the 6 pillekartofler and save skin. Now the big bake potato cut into smaller pieces and cook them quite tender, together with the skin from the potatoes in water without salt toured. Meanwhile, boil the potatoe