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Lunch recipes

Lunch Pepper Sugar Tomato puree ...

The silk fillets were cooked on the forehead on each side. Cool on kitchen roll while making dressing. Dressing the ingredients mixed with a whip. Do not heat. Pour a little into a dish, then put the fillets in the dish. Pour the rest of the dressing over.

Lunch White wine Whole black peppercorns Sausage, herring ...

The sprouts are watered and ordered as marinated herring. The layers are boiled together, cooled and sieved. Juice and thin strips of the 3 lemons are added. Pour the layer over the herrings and let them pull for a day. Served with onion rings and slices of le

Lunch Salt Sour cream Paprika ...

Mix mayonnaise, cream fraiche, mustard and peppers together. Cut herring and bananas into small pieces and gently twist it together.

Lunch Oranges Onion Sugar ...

A boil of water, vinegar and orange juice is boiled and finely chopped orange peel then poured over the herring. Decorate with shredded orange peel and thin onion rings.

Lunch Dijon mustard White pepper Pepper ...

Cook the layers with the various ingredients and boil in half, sifted. The parsley is mixed with mustard, and it is lubricated on the inside of the soiled dried herring. They are seasoned with salt and pepper, folded and turned into rye flour. Step light br

Lunch Onion minced Water Paprika ...

All boil well, cool and add 1.5 dl Portvin. Herring marinated min. 1½ days in the marinade.

Lunch Salt Vinegar Onion ...

The herrings are cleansed and the head and tail removed. Cook for 30 minutes and allow to cool. Then put the herrings in the cooled layer and simmer at 70 degrees for 30 minutes. The herring should then be left cold for 2 days before serving. serving On ro

Lunch Eggs Breadcrumbs Butter ...

The French bread slices are lubricated with butter and put together on the cheese slice. The sandwich is turned into coiled egg and then in raspberries. Brunette in butter on a pan until the cheese is melted. Eaten immediately.