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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Fresh/frozen strawberries as needed Salt Eggs ...

* Mix wheat flour, salt, sugar, vaniliesukker and baking soda together. * wash these berries, remove the stem and slice them crosswise. * blend these berries in a blender along with the milk. * put milk/Strawberry mixture into a bowl and add the eggs and oi

Desserts (warm) Naton Syrup Large eggs ...

the ingredients are mixed. FRY in frying pan at medium temprature in small blobs. Serve with whipped cream and syrup Tips: Instead before soda and baking soda should be used 2 teaspoons of "cream of tater", this may, however, not available in Denmark

Desserts (warm) Magarine Sugar Eggs ...

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir into a soft mass. Let magarinen frying in the Pan and heel about 1 dl pancake mass on the Pan, let it roast for there is no more shine in the mass on the Pan and flip the pancake. Tips: Tip: Cool the pancakes of butt

Desserts (warm) Orange juice Salt Baking soda ...

mix the ingredients together. Orange juice makes vaflerne crispy.

Desserts (warm) Cognac (don't need but gives a more full-bodied flavor) Picked Mint Juice of three oranges ...

Peel and cut the top and bottom of ananassen. Cut 4 thick slices of it, Jack midden (stick) out of each slice, then you have 4 anasringe. Heat a large pan up and getting butter and ananasringene therein and brown them at moderate heat, about 2 minutes on each

Desserts (warm) EVS. whipped cream and strawberries Baking soda Biscuit crumbs (like digestive) ...

Whisk the eggs and sugar to egg snaps. Melt chocolate, Nutella and butter together. Turn æggesnapsen with Nutella mixture and the dry ingredients. Came the mixture in a greased pie dish and bake the cake for 30 minutes at 175 degrees. Butter, possibly a thin l

Desserts (warm) For a liter of soup Rod vanillie Egg yolk ...

The milk is brought to the boil with the split vanilla rod. cocoa, sugar and potato flour mix together in a bowl, and stir gradually, along with the boiling milk. pour in in a thin beam, and make sure to flatten out between each of the slope. Egg yolk is added

Desserts (warm) Salt Butter Sugar ...

Preparation: mix the flour, salt, sugar and cardamom. Beat eggs and milk together and stir it into the flour. Let dough pull in about 20 min. before baking. Arrow stem of the strawberries and cut them into quarters. Grate them on a hot pan and flamber them