Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sandwiches Pepper Salt Chives ...

Whip the eggs together with salt and pepper and add finely chopped garlic (store a little to decorate). Melt the butter on a small forehead and add the egg yolks. Stir over low heat until it stiffens, but still soft. Cut the salmon fillets into smaller pieces ...

Sandwiches Eggs Shrimp French bread ...

The prawns are spread on the bread. Just before serving, stir the egg yolk into the mayonnaise. White whipped stiff and turn in. The soufflemass is spread over the shrimps. The bread is gratified in the oven for 5-6 min at 225 degrees on the top rib....

Sandwiches Butter Cress Onion ...

The ham and onions are cut into cubes. The crust is cut off the rye bread so that the slices are round and they may be lubricated. With butter. Ham and onions are put in a ring on the bread. The egg yolk is laid in the middle and is trimmed with a crème....

Sandwiches Olive Dried oregano Toast bread ...

The tomatoes are cut into slices, sausage in strips and olives in slices. Tomatoes, sausage and olives are put on the bread. Sprinkle with oregano and the cheese is poured over. Gratin in the oven approx. 5 min. Under the grill...

Salads Anchovies for garnish (optional) Freshly ground black pepper Extra virgin olive oil ...

Bring the potatoes to the boil with so much water that they are covered in a pot of high heat. Turn down the flare, lay on and simmer for 12 minutes. Add the green beans, simmer for another 3 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Pour the water off.


Cakes A few drops of food coloring Icing sugar Water ...

Stir honey, butter and dough (powdered sugar) together. Add spices, deer salt, egg and flour.

Roll out the dough with a rolling roll. Slice approx. 24 cakes with different cake form (eg Hearts and Stars, Men and Wives.) Remember holes for the string so they...

Salads Different kinds of green lettuce leaves Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Bring the potatoes to the boil with so much water that they are covered in a 2 liter saucepan over high heat. Turn down the flare, put on the lid and simmer for 15 minutes or until they are very tender. Pour the water off.

Melt while butter in a pan over me...

Salads Romainesalatblade Freshly ground black pepper Olive oil ...

Bring the potatoes to the boil with so much water that they are covered in a pot of hot heat. Turn down the flare, lay on and simmer for 20 minutes or until they are tender. Pour the water off.

Mix while lemon juice, anchovy pasta, parmesan, mustard, garlic...