Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes in form Icing sugar Torn shell of usprøjtet lemon Unsalted butter ...

The biscuits are blended or made into flour by other means.
The melted butter is mixed in.
Put a piece of baking paper on the bottom of a spring shape and squeeze the ring down.
Cut out excess paper from the outside.
The mixture of biscuits is distributed ...

Desserts (cold) Ground cinnamon Honey Small banana ...

Blend it all to a uniform mass and cool it for 1 hour if you can wait.
Honey gives opposition to the lilies in the kiwis, and cinnamon camouflages the honeydew....

Soups Pepper Chives Salt ...

Cut the meat into ½ cm strips, approx. 4 cm long. Salt the meat and put it on the fridge.

Eggs are prepared by prescription, but approx. 4 minutes in boiling water. The lid is tapped and swirled in the oil with ginger and curry. Add broth and let the soup b...

Bread, buns & biscuits Cane sugar or honey Salt Coarse sea salt ...

Stir yeast into the water, add salt and oil and the 2 kinds of flour.
Stir it all together and cover the bowl with a piece of plastic foil and allow it to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Grease a small pan with oil, sprinkle a little durum flour and pour th...

Desserts (warm) Eggs Baking soda Butter ...

The blueberries are rinsed and poured into a refractory bowl of appropriate size.
Sprinkle approx. 100 gr. Sugar over the berries.
Melt the butter at low heat and add the other ingredients.
The mass is spread over the blueberries and the whole is baked at 1...

Mains Honey Oil Salt ...

Coin yogurt: Stir the yogurt with the coin and cook for 1/2 hour.

Meatballs: Stir the meat coolly with the salt. Grind the loaf and chop, and chop the ginger into small tern. Mix all the ingredients in the dad and let it last for half an hour.
Form the mea...

Cakes Liquid margarine Desiccated coconut Eggs ...

Whip egg and sugar airy. Mix the dry ingredients and turn them into the egg yolks. Add margarine, mustard banana and chocolate and pour the dough into a pan. Bake at 175 degrees for approx. 30 minutes.

The dough can instead be divided into 24 muffin molds a...

Mains Pepper Medium bell peppers Olive oil ...

Stir the fishfars together with chopped parsley and pepper in small tern.
Bring salt, pepper and lemon juice to the farmer
Stir it all together well
Form the freeze cells
Stir them golden on a warm forehead with oil for about 5 minutes on each side...