Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Candy Large cup salted butter Good dark chocolate chopped (64-66% cacao) Egg yolks ...

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Beat the egg yolks and stir smooth. Add the flour and stir the mass down in temperature. Beat the whites until stiff and turn in. Bake at 180 degrees for 12 minutes in two butter/sugar-buttered molds.

Cakes Sugar free raspberry jam Romessens Sweetener ...

Flour, margarine and sweetener and break into pieces and assembled quickly with egg yolk and water. The dough rests in the fridge at least 30 min. Scroll mørdejen into two equal rectangles, prick them with a fork and bake them at 200 degrees C for about 12

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Brown meat in butter and oil in a large frying pan of sometimes are taken up. Onion, garlic, celery and carrots in the Pan fry lightly together. the spices and tomato paste in the meat and put it back into the pan. Boiling water is poured in, so the meat is

Cookies Egg white Almonds Deer salt ...

roll the dough out with a rolling pin is not too thin connector pasties in addition with a glass butter them with egg udrørt medlidt water fintsnittede put almonds on them sukkert and if you like, sprinkle some cinnamon over behind them yellowish-brown by 180

Sides Salt Butter Sugar ...

Com kvarken in a tea towel and squeeze the væden out. Then filtered kvarken through a sieve. Sieve the flour also. 2 tbsp. butter heats up and mix with the flour, the eggs and salted, kvarken in a dish and mixed to a soft dough. The kernels are removed f

Cakes Ginger encountered Cloves ground Sweet Seville oranges ...

Whisk eggs and syrup well. Mix the dry ingredients and add to the egg mixture. Pour batter into a baking pan lined with baking paper. Bake at 200 ° C for approximately 10-12 minutes. Turn the bottom out on sugar sprinkled baking paper and loosen gently peel of

Cookies Eggs Almonds Nut kernels ...

roll the dough into a sausage cut into 4 parts and roll long rods which are again divided into 4 cm long pieces it soaked first in eggs el. milk and then in a mixture of nødderkerne and sugar groftskårne tonsils el. Bake at 180 degrees hot in 10 minutes

Cakes Milk Salt Sugar ...

The dough must not be too hot, is about ½ hour before opslåningen. will you roll the dough must be treated as vinerdej and added cold. scrolling when approximately 200 g. of fat on 1 kg. dough. Manufactured screw conveyors, screw conveyors, brown butter, cu