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Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Salt Bouillon cube Water ...

Boil the water for rice up and add the rice * Boil water and add the bouillon cube. * Press the flesh out of medisteren and form to the buns. * Cook the dough balls about 30-60 seconds in the water. * Melt the margerinen and add karryen, let it "cook up"

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Blanch green cabbage minutes and chop it finely. Stir it together with flour, eggs, finely chopped onion and cottage cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Form for rissoles, as FRY in fat in the Pan, 5 minutes on each side. Serve with boiled potatoes or m

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Corn flour cornstarch Sugar ...

Got flour and sugar in a bowl and chop into small pieces here in the margarine. Guilt rhubarb, peel them and cut them into slices. Got them in a pie dish or the like. and sprinkle with sugar, corn flour and cinnamon, divide the batter over rhubarb. Cake

Cakes Corn flour cornstarch Eggs Whole milk ...

Dough: Yeast, cane out in the milk, eggs and sugar are added. Start with 2 dl. flour, butter chopped to they are the size of small marbles and høld things in restn of the flour a bit by Then. a time-kneaded afterwards. Share it in 8 approximately equal piec

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Sesame seeds Plain yogurt ...

0pløs the yeast in the water. Add the yogurt, salt, flour, sesame seeds and 2/3 of the flour. Knead the dough and add more flour to dough continuously is soft and supple. Let dough raise in 1 hour. Portion dough into 16 pieces and roll each piece into a long

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Water ...

Mix to a steady mush together with surdejen. Allow to stand for 8 hours. From dough taken now 200 g sourdough for next time. In rest touched 300 g 500 g coarsely chopped rye kernels and rye flour, if necessary. water. The dough is filled into 2 moulds and a

Lunch Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Pancakes The eggs are beaten with milk. Flour and salt in little by little. It should pull in 30 min. Fill broccoli is picked into small florets and steamed. Milk set to boil. Broccoli water and flour is used for jævning. The sauce tasted with salt, pepp

Cakes in form Grated zest and juice of one lemon Wheat flour Sugar ...

Bottom: Crush crackers fine with a rolling pin between 2 pieces of wax paper. Mix this bread crumbs with sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. Pressure 2/3 of this mixture out into an even layer of the form + 4-5 cm up from the edge. Filling: Whisk all the ing