Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Pepper Red currant jelly or corresponding ingredient Salt ...

The cleaned and dry forest pigeons rubbed with lemon, salt and pepper in-and outside. Filling: the filling stir together, in that order (possibly with finely chopped liver and heart from the pigeons), and filled in the pigeons. Put a bacon slice over fillin

Cakes Salt Milk Eggs ...

Before you begin: 1. Put wax paper on a baking sheet 2. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. 1. measure all items by. 2. Crumble the yeast in an large bowl. 3. Add the margarine in a saucepan. Melt the margarine. Take the pan of. Pour the milk in the General ro

Desserts (warm) EVS. 1 tsp oil (if no one has a good a teflon Pan) Floating sweet Vanilleessens ...

Stir egg whites with flour, baking soda and salt. Add the milk little by little while, beat thoroughly to the dough is a little thinner in consistency than yougurt. Then pour a dollop on the forehead similar to a saucer. (works best if the pancake does not

Mains Pepper Salt Bouquet garni ...

Rub the pigeons with a little salt and pepper. Brown the bacon cubes and pigeons in a frying pan, take them up. Brown the peeled onions and carrot slices, addressed Brown so they cleaned mushrooms, be taken up. Put bacon and pigeons back in the Pan, a

Lunch Allround spice Dijon mustard Herb mix ...

Snug up the milk and melt the red dot in it. Smulder yeast in and let it be dissolved. (Remember the milk top must be finger lun). Mix rest of ingredients in and stir it well. Set the dough to uplift in 30 min. Share in the donated unit 2. Turn the dough

Appetizers Wheat flour Milk Grated horseradish ...

Make a gravy of the broth, lemon juice and sugar-razed with meljævning. Season with lemon and sugar-both should be able to be tasted without clearly to drown. Cut the meat into slices and warm it in the sauce. Let it cool off and pull the taste. Peel the parsn

Soups Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into slices. Melt the fat in a soup pan and fry onions in it. Sprinkle the flour over and infants with broth and let Cook about 15 minutes, Set the oven at 225 degrees. Toast bread slices in the oven. Pour soup into 4 ovnfaste ind

Soups Gruyère, cheese Wheat flour Veal or chicken stock ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into thin slices. Sauté them in butter in a thick-bottomed pan, until onions are browned. Sprinkle the flour over and sauté another minute. Add the veal or chicken stock, salt and pepper. Taste it before you salter, for the broth