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Recipes with Tomato puree

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Salt Fresh grated ginger ...

Let the oil get hot at medium heat in a pan. Add the onions and let them roast about it. 10 min. Tomato puree, mustard, lemon juice, sugar, worcestershiresauce, tabasco, paprika, ginger and water are added and this is well stirred. Season with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

The bulbs are cut into cubes. The tomatoes are rinsed and cut into both. Onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, broth and garlic boil for approx. 20 minutes under low heat. The prawns are added and the sauce is seasoned with salt and pepper. The rice is boiled for 12

Mains Aubergines or squash Different vegetables or white cabbage Fresh chili at will ...

The meat is shaken in oil. Add chili, tomato paste, water, lemon juice and peanut butter. Remove the meat when it is tender. Then add vegetables that are allowed to boil completely before adding tamarin. Served with rice el. cous-cous.

Mains Chili Chili powder Bay leaves ...

Chicken and lamb pieces are wrapped in palm oil with onions, peeled chopped tomatoes and chili. Add tomato paste and simmer for 1/2 hour. Then brothel, masala spice, steak and bay leaves are added, and the dishes simulate for another hour. Now add green

Mains Deer ribs Potatoes Pepper ...

The deer ribs are browned approx. 10 min. At 225 g C. Half-cut males are laid in a refractory dish with the cut surface facing up and brushed with oil. Sprinkle salt, pepper and bowl on and put the ribs brushed with marinade, upstairs. The dish is put in

Mains French mustard Minced parsley Lightly beaten eggs ...

Mix all ingredients and stir well together. Put the mixture in a baking mold lined with stannol. Mix a little tomato puree and mustard. Distribute the mixture over the meatballs and sprinkle with grated cheese. Behind 190 ° C for 45 - 50 minutes. Cut the meatb

Lunch Salt Tomato puree Oregano ...

The milk lunes until it's finger warm. The yeast is thrown into it. Add the remaining ingredients, hold some of the flour back. The dough kneaded well. The dough is set for raising a covered spot for approx. 15 min. The dough is rolled out into a square, appro

Sides Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Mix all ingredients, let marinade boil 20-30 min and cool in a bowl. Marinate the meat for at least 1/2 hour in the fridge and preferably longer. Suitable for meat, like pork.