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Recipes with Soft butter

Cookies Eggs (l) Vaniliesukker Soft butter ...

Whip or stir butter and cane sugar in a light and airy manner. Whip egg and vanilla sugar in. Place the flour over and turn it into a spoon. Chop the two kinds of chocolate and turn them into the dough with oatmeal. Make sure everything is well mixed. Put the

Cakes in form Cinnamon Salt Eggs ...

Warm the milk with the butter, let it cool a little, stir the egg and then add the rest, roll the dough and fill it up, cut the sausage into slices for about 1 cm and put them up + adjacently in a lubricated metal form, let it rise ca. 30 min, baked in 15-20 m

Cakes in form Cocoa Milk Cane sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 170 degrees. Stir well and mix well. Add baking soda, vanilla, egg and stir well together. Mash the bananas with some milk and stir them in the dough. Stir the flour in a little heat. Chop 100 gr. Chocolate and stir in the dough. Bake

Cakes Coarse salt Vanilla pod Eggs ...

1) Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. 2) Stir brown dough, sugar and soft butter together in a bowl. 3) Squeeze the vanilla and scrape the corners with the tip of a knife. Stir the vanilla grains in the butter mixture. 4) Turn the egg out and stir it.

Cakes in form 75 g raisins Icing sugar Cinnamon ...

Oil, dolphin, cinnamon and vanilla sugar are whipped together with a hand whip. The eggs are whipped in one at a time. The carrots are torn fine and mixed with raisins. Flour and baking soda are mixed together. The flour is gently rotated in the dough.

Cookies Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Chopped nuts or madler ...

1. Stir the butter, sugar and brown dough lightly and airily and add the battered eggs. 2. Mix flour, salt and soda and stir in the dough. 3. Chop the chocolate and nuts roughly and put them in the dough. 4. Put a spoon. There must be about 5 cm and mix the

Cookies Vanilliestang Eggs Baking soda ...

1) Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. 2) Stir brown daffodil, flour and butter in a bowl. 3) Fold the vanilla pole and scrape the corners with the tip of a small knife. Stir the vanilla corn in the butter mixture. 4) Beat the egg into the bowl with the

Desserts (patisserie) Unsweetened Moss of 800 g apples Soft butter Wheat flour ...

Sprinkle the eggs into plums and whistle with egg yolks and sugar well together. Mix with butter and milk. Mix flour and baking powder well and stir in the dough. meringue. Whip the whites very stiff. Whip 2/3 of the sugar slowly in. Turn the rest in. Spread