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Recipes with Salt

Various Olive oil for frying Pepper Chives to sprinkle: b ...

Cut the peppers in the tern. Cut the tomatoes into quarter pieces and cut the beans to 1 cm.! Put some olive oil on the forehead. Stir the peppers for a little while until they are warm and soft, but they must not be too sweet. Put the tomatoes on until they

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Yeast Salt ...

Surdej: The yeast is rubbed in hand-held water. The flour is added and the dough is whipped with a fork until it is smooth and tender. Set to raise at normal room temp. For a day. Dough: Add 2 dl of handful water to the sourdough with salt and the rest of t

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Cardamom Salt ...

36 fields of Marabou chocolate A) Whip it all in a large bowl and stir until the yeast is dissolved B) Mix in and dough raises for 45 minutes 1. Shape into 30-35 bowls, with 1 piece of chocolate in each. Raise again for 20 minutes and then baking 180 °

Breakfast & brunch Oil Protein-rich wheat flour Salt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk and then add enough flour to the dough to knead by hand. Add staples of salt and sugar. Spread the dough for approx. 5 minutes after which you add the butter. Add continuous flour and butter so that the dough gets thi

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Lukewarm water ...

Water and goats are roasted together. The Margarine crumbled in the flour. Water, sugar and salt are added and the dough is well mixed together. Set for pouring a warm place approx. 30 min. The dough slices down and forms into big bowls. Remaining on the pla

Salads Pepper Chives Salt ...

Stir mayonnaise, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic salt together, then mix the milk in a little while until the dressing has a suitable consistency. Dressing must pull approx. ½ hour. Meanwhile, cut potatoes and radishes into slices, the cucumber is c

Mains Herbs to taste Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into strips. Stir the meat in a little oil and add the peas and carrots. Season with the spices. The court must only have until it is heated. Tomato sauce: The tomatoes are blended with a little water, boiled and seasoned with salt, pepper, or

Lunch Burger dressing Pepper Salt ...

Steaks: The fathers are well-behaved (much longer than to alm. Father). The fathers are shaped into thin square steaks the size of the bread. Stir the steaks in oil on the forehead, a couple of minutes on each side. Onion: The onions are chopped and sha