Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Dressing Pepper Sugar Red wine vinegar ...

Whip or blend all the ingredients together. Store in a refrigerator.

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Eggs Yeast ...

Put all the ingredients in a bowl first. Then warm the 2 dl milk into a saucepan when the milk is lukewarm, pour it into the bowl. Then you stir up the yeast therein. And then you get the flour. Pour the dough and let it rise until it is twice as large. Take t

Mains Pepper Salt Kefalotiriost or grated parmesan ...

Macaroni is boiled for 15 minutes in spoon-boiling and salted water and dripping off. Onions are peeled and chopped. 2 tablespoons. Butter is melted on a forehead and the loaf is switched transparently. The meat is added and stirred with stirring until it b

Mains Peper to taste as needed Salt to taste as needed Chilli ...

Put the rice in lightly salted water and boil until finished Beacon is roasted in a saucepan and set aside. Cut the sirloin in slices and deepen into flour and set aside The onions are cut into the tern and brune with the champing nuts. Among beaco

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Wheat flour ...

Step the raw medists on the pan in butter, approx. 6 min on each side, turn off the heat and let it pull until serving. stowage: Boil the vegetables in well-sour water for about 10 minutes. Stir fat and flour together. Stir the butter bowl in the vegetab

Desserts (warm) Cardamom Salt Birkesød (sugar free sugar) ...

Mix eggs with milk, salt, sugar, cardamom and oil add wheat flour a bit at a time. The dough rests for 20 minutes and whipped again before frying in either coconut oil or other frying means. tips: Super recipe for hyperactive children who do not need suga

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley root or parsnip, celery ...

Boil the peeled potatoes, along with the root crop you have chosen. (You can easily miss the root crop.) When there is about 10 min left of the cooking time, put broccoli down to the potatoes. When everything is hot, the water is poured. With a fork, roughl

Appetizers Pepper Juice from ½-1 lemon Salt ...

-Husblas soaked in water. -To finely chop in a blender. Also with the loose. -Tun, onions, lemon and Creme fraichen mix well together. Husblas are taken up with water and loosened free of excess water. Melt in a water bath or in a microwave oven. The molten