Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sauces Corn flour or sauces are helping Marinated Pearl onions, red onions, jalapenos marinede approximately 100 gr Salt ...

Chop onion and jalapenos fine (possibly blended) And sweat the butter for a few minutes. Add the pepper and chilli (powder) - stir for a minute and then add the white wine. Let it boil for half and then add Bouillon and hotsauce (Tabascosauce) and taste with

Mains 1-2 dl. water Burritto mix. (can be purchased in fx. NET) Champingoner. (according to taste) ...

Start by brushing the bacon, do not get crispy and put on greasy paper. Chop the onions well and put them in the pan with the oil. When they are light brown, then add the meat and stir well as it easily burns. Then bring the spices and stir until it has b

Bread, buns & biscuits Dark syrup Buttermilk Salt ...

Day 1: Bring red dough, water and 2 dl of buttermilk well together with wheat flour and rye flour. Salt is sprinkled over and the dough is set for swelling under a cloth. The dough raises best at 10-12 degrees. Rinse coriander in a bowl of plenty of water and

Lunch (to go) Salt Grahams Yeast ...

Dissolve yeast in the water. Oat salt and approx. Half of the flour in. Eat the rest of the flour for a little while. The dough must be smooth and not stick to the finger. Cover the bowl and allow the dough to rise to double size (about 1 hour). Put the dou

Lunch (to go) Ketchup/peeled tomatoes Grated cheese Ham/pepperoni into strips ...

Mix the ingredients together to the dough. Roll the dough onto a floured table. Grease ketchup / tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese and meat you want. Cut out and press lightly flat. Bake at 200 degrees for 10-13 minutes. tips: Lovely pizza noodles for a snack

Mains Salt Water Butter ...

The carrots are cut into spells of 5 * 0.5 cm and placed in a bowl. The other ingredients are placed in a small bowl and microwave 1 0.5-1 minutes until it is mixed well. Pour over the carrots and turn around well. Cover with lid and microwave for 10 min

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla essence ...

Heat the oven up to 180g. Mix flour, sugar, baking soda, baking soda and salt and set it aside. Mix buttermilk, melted butter, egg and vanilla icecream in another bowl. Pour it into the dry ingredients and stir well with a spoon. Turn the strawberries in .

Cakes in form Salt Baking soda Powder sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Melt the butter and pour it into a 23 x 23 pan. Crush the biscuits and spread it evenly over the butter. Spread the coconut over the biscuits. Chop the chocolate well and pour it over the coconut. Chop the nuts and spread