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Recipes with Salt

Lunch Pepper Salt Tuna ...

Boil the pasta. Mix all the ingredients - apart from the pasta - together, and taste the dressing with salt and pepper. Cool the cooked pasta down, with cold water, and pour it into a soap so that it can drizzle. Mix dressing and pasta and then it is read

Mains Pepper Salt Whole chicken ...

The chicken is cleaned inside, and then seasoned with salt and pepper. Fill it with the crushed potatoes. Melt the butter and when it is broken, the chicken is roasted on both sides. Do not dodge the skin when you turn it. When the chicken is browned, the

Lunch Cucumbers Curry Pepper ...

Stir the chicken and add curry gradually. Step the bacon and let it dry on a napkin. Heat the bread in the oven. Cut the Cucumbers & amp; Tomatoes in slices and cut the salad into strips. Put chicken, bacon, cheese, salad, cucumbers, tomatoes and dressing in t

Appetizers Skinned tomatoes Onion Corn ...

Brown fad and onions in a saucepan until it is roughly brown. Add water and the peeled tomatoes. Leave it to stand and simmer for a 15min time, and blame beans and corn, leave it to simmer for another 10min time and taste it with chilli and salt. Enjoy :).

Mains Margarine or butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

1. Crush the junk berries (you can also use ready-bought crushed juniper, then use 1/2 teaspoon). 2. Chop the loaf coarsely and sweeten it in the grease together with meat until the meat has stained on all sides. 3. Add juniper berries, water and broth a

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped bell pepper ...

1. Set the oven to 190 degrees. 2. Chop minced beef and garlic. Bring onions and peppers and season the mixture for a few minutes. 3. Add tomatoes and wine, stir around and bring to a boil. Let the sauce boil. Add parsley and chopped anchovies. Season wi

Desserts (cold) Blueberry Salt Apple juice ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Stir sugar, flour and salt together in a large bowl of bowl. Stir butter, lemon peel and lemon juice in. Stir eggs, 7-UP and milk together; Add to the flour mixture. Whip egg whites to stiff peaks. Gently turn the egg

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Cardamom Salt ...

1. Melt butter and add milk. Let it get stuck (about 38 degrees). Dissolve yeast. 2. Add sugar. Whip the eggs together and stir them in. 3. Bring the flour and stir well with a saucepan until it is smooth. The dough must be very lind, so if you think the