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Recipes with Salt

Salads Oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the oil and let it cool off. Chop onion, apples in tern, celery in fine strips, chop the peas. Mix all the greens with the meat. Dressing is mixed in just prior to serving Decorate with eggs and parsley. tips: It's going to make up wi

Lunch Salt Wheat flour Rye flour ...

Water and flaxseed mix and stand one hour. Then lunes the milk and the yeast is put in. Then mix the water with flax seed in the bowl followed by the rest of the ingredients. (The flour is used to make the dough not sticky) then the balls are shaped and place

Mains 1 clove (remove before serving) 3 tbsp. Cognac Pepper ...

Step bacon in the olive oil. When the bacon is about to finish, add the beef. When the meat is brown all over it is added cognac and the alcohol lamps ignite with a match. Let onions and peppers roast briefly. Add beef fennel boulion snaps carnal laurel leaves

Lunch (to go) Ketup The clear with eggs Salt ...

Yeast is carried out in the lukewarm water. Then salt and melted margarine come in. Bring the carrots in and then the wheat flour and blend oatmeal. Never dough through Let the dough rise for 20 minutes. Roll the dough into 3 balls, and each ball is rolle

Mains Cayenne pepper Chilli powder Dijon mustard ...

Mix the rasp, flour, cayenne pepper or chilli, salt and pepper in a bowl. Whip eggs in another bowl. Take the chicken wings and turn them into the rasp and then the eggs, up to 3 times or as needed. Bring the chicken into the hot oil and let them roast

Mains Salt Sugar Buttermilk ...

Whip the eggs properly and add a little milk. Mixed flour of sugar and salt in. Rudder so much that there are no more lumps in. Pour the milk of the milk in. Put it on the forehead. Turn them carefully

Lunch Basil Oregano Paprika ...

Mix the dough together, let it rise for 15 minutes. Roll the dough to a plate 30x40 cm. Grease the cheese, sprinkle on the garlic and spices and roll on the long side, form a horseshoe and put on the joint. Raises approx. 40 minutes, sprinkle with egg and spr

Mains A38 Olive oil Fresh chili ...

PROCEDURE: Bring salty olive oil into a bowl. Mix it. Roll the dough out and squeeze into a pie and premiere it for 15 minutes by 200. While the pie bake the vegetables of the cream so they are ready. Save some cheese to dry. About the filling in and put