Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Mix flødeosten with garlic Butter cheese out on a big beautiful platter in a thin layer. chop all ingrdienserne individually. Sprinkle the ingredients alternately on the cheese finish with crayfish and spices. LUN like nachos and dip in the cheese so you f

Sides Soft butter Corn on the COB Salt ...

Mix the soft butter with salt. Rub it into the corn flasks. Came the flasks in tin foil and grill them in my 8-10.

Buffets Finely grated onion, quantity as needed Pepper Grated cheese ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Put the potatoes layered with onions and spices in a greased, ovenproof dish. Piskefløden pour over potatoes. Bake the potatoes in the middle of the oven for approx. 1 hour at 200 °.

Mains Oksebouillon water Pepper Salt ...

cut the onion finely and FRY in a large pan Sauté pan FRY on all sides and add all the other ingredients, cover with water and boil up, let the broth simmer for my 2 hours Ta roast up and let it rest while the water is sieved and the sauce is made. smooth s

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Cultura Desiccated coconut ...

Stir the yeast into the water. The butter is stirred with Cultura and stir in the other ingredients are added.. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth through. Be set to withdraw approximately 1 hour. The dough is divided into 12 pieces and shaped into buns.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil ...

Cut the potatoes into slices. Cut the bacon in ½ cm slices. Slice the onion into rings. Advantage potato slices in a roasting pan. Onion rings came over. /Olie butter came by. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Special baking pan in the oven at 200-225

Mains Salt Pepper. White Butter ...

Beat the whole eggs with water, salt, and pepper with a fork. Melt the fat in the pan. Pour æggemasen on the forehead when the fat is golden. Stir in eight movements in egg mixture until it begins to stiffen. Fade the heat. Loosen omeletten along the edg

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Cut the potatoes into slices and toast them lightly in a pan. Squeeze garlic over. Sprinkle Salt and Pepper over. Grate then bacon lightly golden on a frying pan. Mix potatoes and bacon in an ovenproof dish. Put Tomatoes in slices on top. Sprinkle Salt,