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Recipes with Pork Tenderloin

Mains Butter or oil for frying Parsley Pork Tenderloin ...

Cut the trimmed tenderloin into thick slices and squeeze them out easily by hand. Fry them in brown butter and oil 4-5 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take them up and keep them warm. Mash the tuna with a bit of cream and findel in the ble

Mains Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut into quarters. Cut the tenderloin into ca. 1 cm. thick slices while a frying pan heater (very) op. Came a knob of butter in the Pan and Brown the meat for about 2 min. on each side. Take the meat out of the pan. Style heat to

Mains Dijon mustard EVS. a little butter or oil Pepper ...

Pork Tenderloin cut into 8 patties. Wrap a piece of bacon on each steak and season with salt and pepper and lightly grease on one side with dijon mustard. Leeks cut into slices and place in a greased, ovenproof dish. (One possibly can sear them lightly in a

Mains Dijon mustard Tarragon Butter for frying ...

Tenderloin cut into small slices, which battered surface. The lubricated with dijon mustard, on the one hand, and sprinkled with Tarragon. Put them in the pan with sennepen down and brown them. Meanwhile lubricated mustard and tarragon sprinkled on the side th

Mains Green Salad Salad onions Black and/or green olives ...

Cut the tenderloin into 8 pieces, after it is trimmed. Bank them easily with hand back and season them on both sides with salt and pepper. Cut the Aubergine into thin slices and sprinkle them with salt on both sides. Let them soak for 15 minutes, then rinse

Mains Oil Bacon cubes Grated cheese ...

Tenderloin cut into 2-3 cm thick slices. Sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown on the Pan in a little oil. Be in a heat-proof platter. Brown the bacon in the Pan and sprinkled over. Pan cooked with cream and place over meat, grated cheese sprinkled over.

Mains Cocktail sausages Pork Tenderloin Bacon ...

Pork Tenderloin cut into slices, press slightly and turned into flour which is spiked with salt and pepper. Bacon slices rolled together made up for grabs in a baking pan and FRY in a oven 175 gr look to them Golden brown butter and add 2 tablespoons of

Mains Pepper Green pepper Paprika ...

Each tenderloin cut into 3-4 cm. pieces and Brown. Onions and peppers cut into strips and tomatoes in both. Onions, peppers, tomatoes, sour cream and spices are added and the lid is on and simmer for about 20 minutes. Served with loose rice.