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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Flúte Jasmine Rice Clear bouillon ...

Brown chicken pieces and aromatic aftertaste. Add the chopped garlic flåed tomatoes bouillon and red wine. Let the small Cook for approx. 1-1 1/2 hour. The sauce smoothed over a little bit and served with jasmine rice and flúte.

Sides Pepper Salt Curry ...

Wash the apples and cut them into thin both. Got the butter in the Pan and let the shower by. Add the karryen and saute Apple boats in Curry butter. When they are fried for a few minutes, pour cream over. The cooker with a moment for it is tyknet. Season with

Mains Pepper Salt Herbs, finely chopped ...

The minced meat of fowls, stirred together with seasonings and egg whites. The cream is stirred in to a firm consistency. Finally add the nuts. Will be the best way to be touched in a food processor. Pig comb seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown in a lar

Mains Pepper Salt Orange ...

Scapula loosened with a sharp knife. Lamb shoulder rubbed with salt and pepper and place in a roasting pan. Brown in the oven at 225 degrees for 15 minutes, Fry further by 160 degrees for approximately 1 hour. The meat rests in 15 min. before scapula twisted l

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut chicken breasts twice and came across Apple, both in the two pockets. Wrap each breast into bacon. Season with salt, pepper and thyme and the crushed garlic, place them in an ovenproof dish and put them in the oven approximately 30-40 minutes at 200 degree

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cod steaks in flour, invert and mix ellertorskefiletter with salt and pepper. The fried golden in oil and butter 7-8 minutes on each side, taken from the pan. Apples sliced, cored, stem and flower are removed, but the skin is not necessary to remove. The

Mains Oatmeal Wheat flour Pepper ...

The herrings made able and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onto with the juice of a lemon and reversed in a mixture of wheat flour and oatmeal. FRY in butter in the pan until they are light brown and served on a platter. The apples and the two onions cut into c

Soups 50 g hazelnut kernels. Pepper Salt ...

Saute the apples, onions and the chopped pale celery in butter in a saucepan (do not brown). Add the curry powder, let it burn well by stirring, so flavour comes forward. Add the flour, let it bake through and add the broth. Let the soup Cook 10 min. Blend it,