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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Clarified butter or oil Pepper Salt ...

Rub the meat with pepper (not with salt) and coped with butter or oil, set it on a barbecue spit, and fry it over trækulsild or in ovngrill. Salt met first at when it is fried or else will not be properly browned meat. The meat should cook 15 minutes per 500 g

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the meat in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Heat the oil and butter, and Brown links on all pages. Turn down the heat, and add the carrot, cut into strips, the chopped onion and parsley, and cook everything together for a moment, then add tomato pure

Mains 1 pair of drops of ketchup 1 pair of cabbage leaves A thin batter of wheat flour and water ...

Start with filling: Fry the chopped onion and garlic in a little oil, add the chopped pork, divorced with a fork, and the finely chopped vegetables. Roast it for a few minutes and then add the salt, pepper and spice, let it cook for 8-10 minutes, while constan

Mains 1 red pepper Lemon juice Pepper ...

Cut the meat into large cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice. Chop onion, garlic and Apple, and fry it in some of the butter together with karryen (at least 1 tblsp., more if you like it strong), until the mixture is golden. Came in,

Mains Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

Remove the fat from the Lamb the mallet, and cut it into small pieces. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, and Rosemary leaf into a plug here and there. Udsmelt oily and Brown the meat in it on all sides. Put meat in a baking dish along with oily, it is browned

Mains Carrot Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf ...

Subcutaneous fat meat with bacon by making some incisions with a pointy, sharp knife, and Jack bacon into the meat (you can also ombinde the meat with bacon slices before frying). Mariner animal in a mixture of wine and herbs. The meat of the deer should be ma

Mains 2 leaves gelatin Pepper Grated horseradish ...

'S and files the fish carefully. Run the fish flesh through the machine. Cook the heads, skins and ben along with 2 onions sliced, carrot cut into strips, the chopped celery leaves, salt and pepper in so much water that it covers. Let it simmer for ½ hour. Gra

Mains The third spice Ketchup Corn flour ...

Beat the eggs lightly with the finely chopped leeks, celery, salt and pepper. Cook the frozen shrimp for a moment. Arrow them and cut them up in the back to remove the black string. Cut the shrimp into slices, and add to the egg mixture. Melt a tablespoon.