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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Spices (chili-salt-pepper-rose marin-according to taste) A little oil to the onions Lots of garlic (like new) ...

Cuvetten: prepare the roast, it is an advantage if it is not too bumpy, it makes it a little harder to roast it. RIDs the little crisscross, not too deep. butter well with salt and pepper and garlic that has been crushed. Set the roast on a rack with a roas

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Parsley fresh ...

Start with rodurterne. Peel and willow them and cut them into large cubes, respectively, thick slices and onions in both. The garlic can be shared again. Sauté them all in the butter to the right will be blank. Got them in an ovenproof dish in a not too thick

Mains 1 tbsp. mild paprika Bread Fintsnitte iceberg lettuce ...

Cut the cuvetten in nice-sized cubes, 2 × 2 cm. Chop the onion and garlic and brown them 1-2 minutes in a thick-bottomed pan. Take it up and Brown the meat a few times. Got meat and onions back to the Pan along with the peeled tomatoes. Season with salt, peppe

Mains Pepper Sugar Salt ...

Low beetroot salad. Boil half of them in plenty of water approximately 45 minutes until tender, feel with a pointed knife. Got them in cold water and peal of smut. Peel the raw beetroot. Grate both cooked and raw beetroot coarsely. Mix them with a dressing of

Mains 100 g. nykogte potatoes A little water Fresh basil leaves ...

Pat the meat dry. Advantage semidryed tomatoes and basil leaves, as well as possibly. a little garlic into slices on pieces of meat. Season with salt and pepper. Scroll together from the narrow end. Hold the meat together with kødnåle or cotton cord. Kødrul

Sides Pepper Salt Chili flakes ...

Peel parsnips core, chop them into small cubes and boil them, added salt, for about 20 minutes. Brussels sprouts are halved and sautéed in olive oil with chili flakes, on medium heat, for approximately 5-8 minutes. Fry the almonds with eventually. When the pas

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Koteletterne Brown on a hot pan for a few minutes on each side. Then be in a heat-proof platter. Cauliflowers boils easily and distributed over koteletterne. 2 dl of milk boil up and levelled with 15 g of flour, which is udrørt in 1/2 dl milk. The gravy

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Soak bread in water. Chop the onion and parsley very finely. Mix everything with the meat in a bowl. Squeeze garlic over. Add egg, pepper and salt. Form 8 meatballs added on a frying pan with oil. Fry them 5 minutes on each side. Serve with butter roasted pota