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Recipes with Flour

Mains Lemon pepper Garlic to taste Salt ...

Mix all ingredients together and let EVS. phase pulling in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Formes as meatballs as FRY in the oven at 200 degrees (C) ca. 25-30 my.

Mains Beans Carrots Garlic ...

Sauté the meat in soy sauce with onions, bell peppers, carrots and beans. Mix together the vinegar, soy sauce, SWEET, flour and pineapple juice in a saucepan and let boil for 5 minutes Server with 75 grams of rice.

Lunch Eggs divided Yeast Salt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water 37 degrees c in a bowl. Beat the egg yolk, honey, margarine and milk in. Add salt and enough flour to dough release the bowl. Knead on a floured board for about 5 minutes. Put the dough into a floured Bowl, and style it to

Mains 3 Freshly grated nutmeg Pepper ...

Butter and break into pieces in the flour and the dough come together with an egg yolk and water. The rolled out and put in a pie dish. Brown the meat in a saucepan and stir until meat crumbles. Add carrots, thin udskivet, and leeks, tyndtskåret, and cook t

Mains Butter or margerine for frying Water Ostrich sausage meat ...

Everything is stirred well together and made to rest ½ hour before they are shaped into small meatballs and cooked through. Serve with: Cold Potato Salad, green salad, or as a dish.

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Salt Yeast ...

Pour the ½ L of ice-cold water in a bowl. Add half of the flour (like a thick pandekagedej) and whisk well about 5 min. Add the yeast and salt and beat further. Change over to the dough hooks and add the remaining flour. Stir well, ca 5-8 min Like with individ

Desserts (warm) A slightly sweet Cinnamon A little lemon juice ...

Bottom: Stir all the ingredients the same and pre-baked in a 200 degrees oven for about 10-15 minutes in a small tærtefad. Mix the grated Apple with lemon juice, cinnamon and jams. Pour it on top of the pre-baked pie and bake for approx. 10-15 min. Low a cr

Mains Parsley, finely chopped Frozen peas and carrots into cubes Chicken soup ...

Melt the fat in a pan and add the flour and stir together Pour the soup in under stirring for the gravy is smooth, add the vegetables and let gravy bugs in 5-7 min. the warm meat from a boiled hen placed on a platter, gravy poured over and garnish with minced