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Recipes with Fish sauce

Soups Fish sauce Chili (split) Lemon grass (cut as matches) ...

Came the water in a saucepan and add Shallots, root, fish sauce and lemon galanka grass brought to the boil, and boil about 3 min. Add the prawns and cook for 1 min. Add lemon leaves, lime juice and Chili's and cook again ca. 1 min. Court and served i

Soups Coriander leaves for garnish Fresh green chili pepper, freed from seeds and cut into thin slices Fresh red chili pepper, freed from seeds and cut into thin slices ...

Arrow the prawns, and remove the dark vein on the back. Save the prawns. Warm the oil in a wok, shrimp shells came in and FRY, stirring occasionally, until they have skiftetfarve. Pipe Foundation in, bring to the boil, and simmer 20 minutes. SI Fund, and po

Sauces Fish sauce Coconut milk Sugar ...

Coconut milk is heated up to the boiling point in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add the other ingredients, one at a time while stirring and in that order. Do not use the lid and do not let the sauce boil vigorously, since coconut milk easily separates by exces

Mains Orange boats Candied orange peel Oil for frying ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade and let the duck breasts pulling herein for at least 1 hour. Fry the marinated duck breasts golden brown in oil. Now add the marinade and turn down the heat. Add sugar and continue cooking until the sugar starts to karam

Soups Glue both to server no Ground black pepper Finely chopped fresh ginger ...

Boil liver in simmering water for 5 min., let it cool off and cut it thinly. Cut the chicken meat into thin slices. Cut the shii-take mushrooms into thin slices. Heat the oil in a wok and fry the onions in it at medium heat for about 5 minutes, until they a

Lunch Friskpressetr juice of one lime Salt Chilimed kernels, very finely chopped ...

Fill: Came up rice noodles in a large bowl and pour in plenty of boiling water over it. Wait about 5 minutes until they are soft. Guilt noodles in cold water, and cut them into 5 cm pieces. Cut the root of shii-take mushrooms and chop them roughly. Mix all the

Mains Fish sauce Sea trout, min. 1 kg (eviscerated weight) Sea salt ...

Scrape the fish free of mucus and dandruff. With a sharp knife cut across a variety of fish (both sides, with ca. 2-3 cm intervals, approximately ½ cm deep), so that the marinade can penetrate well into the meat. Place the whole fish (including head and tail)

Mains Vegetable oil Fish sauce Water ...

Cut the long Thai beans in 5 cm long pieces. Heat the oil in a wok or large Saute pan. Add the garlic and beef and fry it until the meat is well browned. Add the Holy basil leaves, chili and beans and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the fish sauce and water a