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Recipes with Eggs

Cakes in form Baking soda Syrup, dark Wheat flour ...

Dough: Stir or whisk softened butter and sugar well. Stir in the eggs one at a time. Mix the flour and baking powder and stir it in alternating with the cream. Came the dough in a greased pie dish or small roasting pan and bake it in the oven at 170 degrees in

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are cooked tender and moses, and cauliflower and onion chopped. All ingredients are stirred together into a real father. FRY as regular meatballs, but only for 2 minutes on each side. Sauce: Tomatoes passed through a sieve and brought to the bo

Breakfast & brunch Buttermilk Flour as needed, however not too much Salt ...

Yeast dissolve in sugar and salt. Sour milk lunes easily. It all stirred together and rests approximately 15 min. Divided into 2 equal balls that are rolled out to an oblong square on ca 25x60cm brushed with buttermilk and folded from the sides so the dough

Appetizers Fresh coriander or parsley Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the green tomatoes into slices. Dip them first in a mixture of flour, salt, sugar and spices, then in the beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. Put them on a piece of wax paper. Halve the red tomatoes and scrape the seeds out. Cut the tomatoes into small

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Floating fat Kartemomme ...

Turn the oven on 200 gr. Whip eggs and sugar fluffy Add the margarine and whisk it together Add the flour, baking soda, kartemomme and nuts and stir it all together. UL dough into 4 long pieces and press them flat. Behind them in the middle of the oven ca.

Lunch Eggs Wholemeal wheat flour Grahams ...

Warm the milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt, sugar and eggs, and whole wheat flour, rye flour, whole wheat flour and oatmeal. Crumble the butter in almost all the flour and it came in the second, blend. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the rest of t

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Wholemeal flour ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Add the rest of the ingredients, but the team again with wheat flour. The dough should be smooth and supple and, finally, not too dry. Let dough raise in 30 min. and then to form the buns. Brush with egg and let them

Various Eggs Oatmeal Milk ...

Stir together and stands cold approximately ½ hour. Then be complied with 10 g of flour, a little salt and cinnamon at will. FRY on a Blini buckets. Tips: A portion = 257 kcal