Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Mains Garlic Small leek Oil ...

Striml kyllingefiléterne fine. Arrow white onion and chop it finely. Chop the lemon grass is fine. Clean the leek and cut it into thin slices. Udkern chili fruits and striml them just fine. Heat the oil in a wok or a large frying pan. Brown chicken strips on

Soups Chili Curry Salt ...

Tomato, pear, onion and coconut milk cooked together in ca. 1/2 hour and then blending it with a hand blender. Hønsebouillonen are added and the soup to the boil. Season with curry, chili and salt. Tips: Which can with advantage be used a good red curry p

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped fresh chili ...

Brown the meat in oil, add the onion, ginger and garlic to it eventually becomes crystal clear in color. Add the other ingredients and let the right simmer 25-30 minutes. Season to taste.

Soups Fish sauce Coconut milk Lemon (juice only) ...

Heat the oil in a frying pan or saucepan, Brown beef tails well. Take them out of the pan. Saute the onion, garlic and chili in oil without it gets Brown. Put in kaffirlimebladene and lemon grass, lemon juice and sugar, turn well. Add diced tomatoes, tomato pa

Mains More Curry Salt Bamboo shoots ...

Cut the chicken into strips. Clean peppers, carrots and spring onions and cut them into thin, elongated strim clay. Rinse bean sprouts. Arrow white onion and chop it finely. Put it all in a bowl. Getting oil in a pan and turn on almost maximum heat. A

Appetizers A little salt Juice of 1 lime Grated nutmeg ...

Bank the meat until it is leveled something out and then cut it into strips, approximately 2 cm wide, and 7 ½-10 cm long. Mix the coconut milk and spices and let the meat stand and pull in the mixture for at least 1 hour. When you have to make the sauce, heat

Mains Pepper Juice of half a lime Salt ...

Saute the meat in the Pan in oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the fat off. Add the coconut milk and water. Let it boil up. Add the spices, as well as here after the lime juice and sweetener under stirring. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Take Laurel leave

Soups Freshly ground pepper Oil Coarse salt ...

Garlic Chicken and Brown in a little oil, then it is added to the page in a bowl. Heat the oil up and pour the Curry in-let the shower by. Saute the onion and Apple pieces approx. 1 min. and add; rice, broth and spices. Cook the soup on low heat for about 2