Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Desserts (cold) Coconut essence Desiccated coconut Whipped cream ...

Egg yolks are whipped with sugar. Coconut milk and whip cream are boiled and added to the egg mass in a thin jet under thorough whipping; The mass is returned to the pan under low heat (or best under water bath) and heated / whipped until it thickens and the f

Cakes in form 2 tbsp. coconut Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Pour the egg into the bowl and sugar. Then stir the flour. Then the butter is melted and it is stirred together with the other. The dough comes in a greased form. Then put the mold in the oven and baking for approx. 20 min.

Buffets A little freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice Should of 1 (usprøjtet not needed) lime or lemon Butter or oil for frying neutral taste ...

Whip the eggs together with the coconut milk. Sieve and whip flour and salt in a bit, alternately with water. Whip to the dough is smooth. Rip the outer of the citrus fruit on a fine grater and stir in the dough. (Do not throw the fruit but cut It in both and

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into wide strips about 3 cm. Put them on the forehead until they are white on all sides (not stewed.) Bring them to a frying dish. Slice the slice into small pieces and wrap it on the forehead with salt, pepper and peppers after taste. Pour the

Mains Basil Chili Chili sauce (preferably sweet) ...

The chicken meat is cut into the tern as you wish. Onions halve lengthwise (cut the ducks off) and then again along in three-four slices. Carrots are peeled and cut into three and then in strips. - Bring oil to a wok or sautepande. Join the onions togethe

Drinks (cold) Coconut milk Vanilla ice cream Hollowed out coconut shells to servers in (at will) ...

1. Pour pineapple juice and coconut milk into a food processor. Add vanilla ice cream and blend until it is smooth. 2. Add frozen pineapple pieces and blend until it is smooth. Distribute the drink into the hollowed coconut shells or right glass.

Mains Including wild rice to 4. pers A good handful of beans Oil (olive a good one) ...

preparation. Cut the chicken into the mouth straight pieces. Cut the eggplant also in the mouth straight pieces Cooking. Heat the oil and season the meat until it is golden. Bring the vegetables in and cook with chicken bowl, let it boil tenderly w

Mains Lemon juice (about 2 tbsp.) Olive oil for frying Grated fresh ginger (about 2x2cm in tuber shape) ...

Pumpkins are cut into rustic slices. Mushrooms and squash cut into thin slices. Chili and garlic chopped well. Pumpkin is sliced ​​in oil in a sauté pan. Chili, garlic and mushrooms are turned into the pumpkins. Add the coconut milk, whipped cream and fish s