Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Mains Broth or water Chopped onion Olive oil ...

Put chicken thighs in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Scrub and halve the potatoes and put them in the dish next to the chicken thighs. Sprinkle with thyme and roast in the oven at 200 degrees for about 30 mins. Heat oil in a pan. Add the vege

Mains Salt Chopped onion Entire-leaved frozen spinach ...

Rinse and dry the fish and cut it into suitable pieces. Mix the ingredients to boil brine and give it a rehash. Carefully lay the fish in and let the småsimre ca. 10 min.? or until it is firm and has changed color. Take the fish up and hold the warm under a cl

Mains Pepper Salt Cream jævning ...

Sauté the meat in butter. Add the onion and squash and sauté it with. Add the tomato puree, broth, paprika and oregano and cook it all together under the lid 15 min. Add cream. Smooth if necessary. the sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Accessories: rice o

Mains Lemon juice and mustard Rye flour to pan in Butter to fry in ...

Herring: season the herrings with salt and pepper. Tubes so yogurt, ramson, lemon, mustard together and got it on four of the fillets. Put the remaining fillets and turn them in rye flour. Rose now herrings in melted butter a few minutes on both sides and styl

Lunch Lemon juice Cut chives Pepper ...

Smoked herring fillets skinned and picked into small pieces. The cold mashed potatoes stirred together with smoked herring fillets, chopped onion, capers, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Herring the cream taste, served in the bowl and garnish with fr

Mains Salt Turmeric The whole comments ...

Ophed the oil and saute the mustard grains into the crevices. Add the ginger, caraway and onions. Stir for a minute and add 1 tsp salt and turmeric. Part b the cabbage in bouquets and add to the cash role. Stir once and add the chopped chili-without frøstol! T

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Free chicken for skin and visible fat and partér it into the appropriate pieces of Pressure the lemon, add tarragon, salt and pepper and rub it in well with the chicken. Came the chicken in a pan, sprinkle onion over and add the rest of the lemon mixture and b

Mains Cucumber Freshly ground pepper Onion ...

Slice the rump and wings from chicken, lift up the skin from the flesh and peel it of all the way around. Discard the skin. Share the chicken into 8 pieces. Mix the marinade of yogurt, onion, ginger, spices and oil. Put chicken pieces in, so they are covered b