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Recipes with Chopped onion

Lunch Dill Egg yolk Glyngøre kippers ...

Procedure: Glyngøre kippers are mixed with the other ingredients. The egg yolk is laid on top and is darned with dildo.

Mains White cabbage Pepper Chopped onion ...

1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sweat the curry. 2. Add onion, meat and carrots and season until the meat has changed color. 3. Add the potato slices and stir for 2 min. 4. Add finely chopped white cabbage. 5. Add water, salt, pepper and soy. 6. Sprinkl

Mains Fresh Rosemary Chopped onion Olive oil ...

Place the cod fillet in the oven in a dish and let it bake at 200 degrees in the preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes. Stir the onions in some oil, like olive oil, and add garlic. Add the fresh rosemary and pour the tomatoes over and simmer for 10 minutes

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Put onion and carrot in a pan in half of the butter and pick it up. Spice the shank with salt and pepper and brown it approx. 2 min. On each side of the rest of the butter. Add the rest of the ingredients except lemon juice and corn starch. Let the meat boil

Mains Olive oil for frying Sugar Chopped onion ...

Preheat the oven to 190C. Heat the oil on a forehead and brown chicken in it. Take the chicken off the pan and put it in a refractory dish. Sweat onion and garlic on the forehead without coloring. Add the tomatoes and season with salt, pepper and sugar.

Mains Peper Rice or fresh pasta as an accessory Peeled tomatoes ...

steaks: 1. The grater is soaked in the milk. 2. stir the meat with rasp, egg, onion and salt. 3. The meat is formed into steaks, which are browned on the forehead of the margarine. sauce: 4th Chopped. Garlic pressed. 5. Onions, garlic and chamignon are

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cook the pasta as instructed on the package. Season onions, garlic and mushrooms in the oil. Add cream and season with salt and pepper. Let the sauce spin with a lid for 5 minutes. Taste the sauce and mix the cooked pasta, strawberries and peas in. Let th

Various Garlic powder Pepper Grated cheese ...

Boil spaghetti. Put onion onion and dad, then add spices and tomato puree. Put the meat in a refractory dish. Then bring the spaghetti over. Then pour the cream over. Finally, grate cheese is sprinkled over. Place in the oven at 200 degrees C. for