Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is cut into cubes. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into similar pieces the meat Brown. Onions carrots and celery, Horseradish and Brown with, for it has gotten a little color. Kryderierne added, and there have to thin water down with broth, and the

Soups Bouillon cube Lemon balm A little butter ...

Ox bow be in abundant salted water and brought to the boil. 2-3 hours to cook the meat is tender. Beets, cabbages, gulerød, celery, onion and Leek chop finely. FRY in a little butter or oil. Tomato puree, oksebov, boil water, extra water and bouillon

Mains Potatoes Maizenamel Parsley ...

Prepare a large "Pocket" in skinkemignonen, which added parsley and 1 clove garlic that has been split into 2. Lace skinkemignonén with household cotton string or yarn. Skinkemignon Sauté in olive oil and cumin are added, while FRY. When skinkemignonen is n

Mains Celery Thyme Hønsesky (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poussinerne soigneres. The vegetables are cleaned, cut into bite-sized pieces and sauté. The whole poussiner Sauté of, they just assume the color. The whole place in a cast iron pan or dish and add hønsesky-Fund. Never immerse the lid on and put in the oven at

Mains Celery Bagekartofle Whipped cream ...

Lammefiléten soigneres of fat and sinew. The cut up in the middle and plumped. The spinach ribbes and blanched in boiling water. Half of celery cut into small cubes and sauté in butter. Spinach and celery are added on top of lammefiléten which rolled into a ro

Soups Lemon Pepper Parsley ...

All vegetables are cleaned and carrot, parsley root, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Squash'en, Aubergine and the peeled potatoes cut into cubes, pebrene into strips and tomatoes into slices. All vegetables, except potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, s

Mains Duck fat Calves Fund Pepper ...

Brystes cut from the legs, the skin peeled of the chest, placed in pressure between 2 baking sheets and bake in hot oven approximately 185 degrees for 10 minutes. Breast rolled on legs and packed into the pancette. Place in a dish with root vegetables cut i

Mains Coarse salt Minced parsley Aromatic bouquet ...

Turn the oksebryst pieces in flour, brown them in oil and put it in a small baking pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Cut the carrots into coins and the onions into cubes and fry it in oil. Pour white wine and broth by. Mix the crushed garlic, salt and pepper