Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Plaster the flesh free of sinew and put it in a suitable dish. Chop onion and celery, stir the marinade together and pour it over the backs. Let them marinate for 8 hours like for the day after. Take the meat up, dry and Brown it in plenty of butter in a pa

Mains Port wine Celery Apple ...

Chop pork, chicken liver, onion, Apple and celery coarsely and mix it with the chopped venison. Pipe a father's by adding cream, port wine and eggs and flavored with juniper berries, thyme, salt and pepper. Serve slices with a suitable form of fresh lard, fill

Mains ACETO balsamico Pepper Salt ...

Cut the apples into wedges with Peel and celery into strips. Rose steakene on a hot pan in butter 2-3 minutes on each side. Meanwhile, sauté the celery and apples with thyme in a little butter and steamed finished, covered, on low heat. Steakene taken

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Beef Tenderloin and Beef Tenderloin: cut through fasansoufflée and tapped out to approx. 1 cm thickness. Pheasant breasts blended with eggs and cream, season with salt and pepper. Blanched spinach leaves, onto the water and laid out on beef tenderloin. Soufflé

Mains Among other things, mushrooms Cream Carrot ...

Pot roast the bird, with the particular vegetables. Fprbered the potato as a rösties. Glaser the mushrooms in butter and sugar. Make a sauce of væden from the bird, add cream and game Fund. Serving Serve the right nice.

Mains Parsley sprigs Red currant jelly Carrot ...

The trimmed venison rubbed with salt, pepper and Juniper plus some butter/margarine. Covered with fat slices, made on baking pandens oven grate, previously greased and Brown by good heat. When the mallet is fine Brown all over, poured a bit of the broth in the

Mains Salt Thyme and Bay leaves as needed Sour cream ...

Animal back subordinated for tendons, fat and impurities. Tenderloin, as is the underside of the back, cut off and cooked for themselves. In the very back loosened the meat a little bit with a sharp knife, and pins in the side scraped too loose meat. Animal ba

Soups (to be used 8 dl. of this calf Fund) Filopastry into strips The duck skin ...

Calves Fund: The 2 kg kalveben (preferably from the back) are dried in a 150-degree warm oven for 20 minutes. They will then be put in a large saucepan and pour over with 3-4 litres of cold water. Let it boil up, foam carefully and let the Fund Cook 4-8 hours,