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Recipes with Bananas

Cakes Milk Desiccated coconut Margarine ...

The adhesive is stirred softly. The sugar is brought in, and both are stirred until the mass is light and airy. The eggs are stirred at one time. Flour, cinnamon, baking soda and vanilla sugar are mixed together and sifted in and the whole is well mixed togeth

Cakes in form Baking soda Vanilla sugar Margarine ...

Melt the margarine in a small pan or in the microwave. Mash the bananas with a fork. Chop the chocolate. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. oven. Bring eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and whisk well with a hand mixer approx. 3-4 min. Bring mar

Desserts (warm) Nutmeg Cinnamon Carnations ...

Mix it together Strip the bananas so that they can lie down Put a layer of filling on each lane and put them in the pot for half an hour. Do you have a small piece of apple tree you throw it on the hills Eat with vanilla ice cream and anything else as de

Desserts (cold) Salt Sugar Wheat flour ...

1. Stir flour and milk into a lump-free leveling. 2. Add salt, sugar, orange juice and egg. 3. Bake 8 thin pancakes. 4. Half the bananas and roll half a banana into each pancake. 5. Melt the chocolate and decorate the pancake with it.

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Ice cream Caramel-chocolate sauce ...

Split a banana in the middle. Make 3 balls of ice and put on top of the bananas. Pour some caramel-chocolate sauce on. On top of the sauce you can pour a streak of whipped cream. Hover over the whipped cream or the Caramel-Chocolate sauce sprinkle the nood

Cakes Eggs Butter Baking soda ...

Whip the whole egg, sugar and vanilla sugar to an airy egg snap. Mix flour and baking soda together and turn into the mashed banana. Pour the dough into a large pan. Baking time approx. 55 minutes at 175 degrees, at the bottom of the oven.

Desserts (cold) Fresh lemon balm or mint + a thin lime slice for garnish Pine nuts Strøget TSP. vaniliesukker ...

Mash or blend avocado and banana individually until you reach the desired consistency. Then take an alm. Drink glasses and fill it approx. 1/3 with youghurt I usually put pine nuts between the different layers (rather a little less than youghurt) then you pour