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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Grated nutmeg ...

Mix the cracked cheese in the rice. Melt the butter and stir it with the flour. Sprinkle with milk and let it boil well. Season with salt, pepper and fox mushrooms. Remove the pot from the heat and stir the egg yolks. Whip the whites to foam. Mix the cooked ve

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

The vegetables are cleaned and peeled. Pastinak is cut obliquely, the potatoes are cut in both, the parsley cut through and then cut obliquely, the lemon is cut in a quarter. The vegetables are filled in a rose sauce and the spices are added. The chicken is ru

Mains Milk Pepper Pressed garlic at will ...

Start roasting the chicken fillets on a medium pan. (They must not be too crisp, but must be cooked until they are white inside) Meanwhile, stir the tomato puree together with the cream, spices and squeezed garlic. Add some sugar or Beauvais ketchup, as the t

Mains Cayenne pepper to taste FAT to the Pan and platter Good salad, if desired. with orange and green beans as contrast ...

Turn the chops into flour and brown them on the forehead, then put in greased ovenproof dish. Sweat the bacon, bring the vegetables on the forehead, simmer a little and then add cream and tomato concentrate, taste with cayenne pepper, salt & amp; pepper. Pou

Mains Fat for frying Pearl onions American blend from the coop (vegetables) ...

First put a pot of water to boil the pastas. Pasta is cooked according to the instructions on the bag. The vegetables must be cooked in such a large pot that everything can be mixed together therein at last. The vegetables are cooked and cooked until they are

Mains Mushrooms Ham into strips BUKO pikantost ...

Get all the pikant cheese in a bowl. Cut the spring onion into small rings and get in the bowl - stir around. Bring mushrooms and ham on a forehead. Shake it for about 5 mins between heat - this makes it easier to stir in the cheese. Roll the butterdash p

Mains 100 g. bacon in cubes Pepper Salt ...

The loaf is chopped well and the peppers are shredded. The loaf is cooked in the margarine until they are transparent. The meat is added and browned. Add the pepper and flour and stir well. Add the bouillon and tomato puree as well as the peppers. Let it

Mains Eggplant Mushroom Fresh pasta (fettuccine naturel) ...

1. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. (Hot air) 2. Slice a piece of staniol and butter with a little magarine so that the salmon does not hang. 3. Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of the salmon. 4. Cut the vegetables into slices and tern and pour