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Mains recipes

Mains Garam marsala Tandooripulver Skinned tomatoes ...

Add water to the rice. When boiling, the rice is poured. Chop onion and garlic nicely. And put it in a saucepan until they start to burn. Add the beef and raise it. Then pour the spices. Put spinach, coconut milk and tomato in the pan. Let it simmer until the

Mains Pepper Salt Yellow bell pepper ...

Put pasta to boil and pour it into a large bowl when done, like a bowl of lid .. While the pasta boils the beef with the two cloves of garlic and salt and pepper. When finished pour over the pasta in the large bowl. Cut the peppers into small squares and sli

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour to jævning Pepper ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix meat, rasp. Onions, milk, salt and pepper. Eat it into a uniform father and form the father of a loaf of bread. Place the dough in a greased oven dish. Cover the top with bacon slices. Peel the potatoes, cut them and clea

Mains Bread Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oven to 175 degrees C. Filling: Steps cleared in oil. Add the meat and raise until it has changed color. Turn the spinach in and warm it all through. Stir half of the parmesan cheese and egg yolk. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. Remove the he

Mains Aluminum foil Bread Coarse salt ...

Salad: Soak and boil the white beans according to the instructions on the package and allow them to cool (soak the evening before use). Nip the green bean and boil them in leachate water until they are tender (6-8 minutes). Pour the water and rinse them with

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper and roasted in margarine. Put in a fireproof dish. Flour is added to the steak and a baked sauce is made of mushroom water, peeled tomatoes and cream. If the sauce is too thick add a little milk. The drip mushrooms s

Mains Pepper Eggs Wheat flour ...

Beef mixed with salt, pepper, flour, egg, finely chopped onion and chilli sauce as desired. Form into 8 oval bowls wrap a slice of bacon. Stir on warm forehead, possibly in a little oil, 2 minutes on each side. The bowls are put in a hot dish, peeled tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Dried herbs ...

Turn on the oven at about 170 degrees Peel the potatoes and slice them lengthwise into 4 pieces (like coarse pomfritter) Put them in an ovenproof dish Press garlic and put it in a bowl, Among the rest of the iglendians in the same bowl, There is not writt