Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Jævning Salt Curry ...

Chop onions, potatoes, and peppers. Stir the onion in fat for approx. 1 min. Then add the meat until it is cooked, add curry, peppers and salt. Then add the peppers and potatoes, raise it for approx. 5 min. Put chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, stir in and leav

Mains Kraft fat free italian dressing A little spring onion Barbecue sauce ...

Put the chicken underlay on a grate in the pan. Brush with barbercuesauce. Stir in the oven at 180 degrees 1 hour. After ½ hour turn the chicken undercoat and brush again with barbercuesauce. Pasta salad: Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the

Mains Baguettes and a delicious Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Meat sauce: Sweat the beef in a saucepan. Pour overcooked grease from. Add carrot, celery, spices and tomato (and possibly some water to make a "soft" sauce). Let the sauce simmer for 20 minutes. White sauce: Whip egg whites and skim milk together with Mai

Mains Lemon pepper Salt Dill ...

Beef, rasp, eggs & amp; Spices mixed well. The dill is also chopped and mixed with the meat. Made as fry dishes and roasted on the forehead - where they will only be browned! Once they have been browned, they are put in a refractory dish. Peppers are choppe

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

The cabbage is divided into blocks and the stick is cut out. The outer leaves are peeled off and blanched. The inner white / coarse leaves can be cut into mundane pieces that are boiled and then shaken and served. All the ingredients for the father are stir

Mains Lemon juice Vinegar Salt ...

1. Stir or blend spices, ginger and whiskey well into the oil 2. Grease the meat with lemon and vinegar and turn it into marinade. Let the meat marinate overnight in the fridge 3. Remove the meat and turn the yogurt into the marinade. Let it marinate ano

Mains Spices to taste Pepper Grated cheese ...

Cook the pasta half done. Sprinkle spinach so all liquid is gone. Stir the beef with onions. Mix it all together in a pan with tomatoes and cream. Gratiners with cheese in the oven for 30 min.