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Mains recipes

Mains Rough Italian bread Hvedmel Olive oil ...

Take 500 beef and knead the same with 2 pressed garlic cloves, 2 whole eggs, 1 dl. Rasp, chopped parsley (as desired), dried thyme, salt and pepper. And knead it all together well. Roll the meatballs in about 4cm in diameter. Roll them in wheat flour and brown

Mains Squid tubes Chilli seedless Lemon peel ...

At the fishmonger, a bag of frozen squid is purchased. 1 per. person. The tuberna is flaked and cleaned, possibly. "Flipstivere" is removed. Carefully scratch a cross pattern on the inside and cut it into pieces of thumb. Boil 10 minutes in red wine vinegar a

Mains Becel liquid Pepper Salt ...

how to do it The sauce Half and clean the peppers and press them flat. Grill the peppers in the oven with the skin side up to the skin, dark and bubble up. Allow them to cool and pull off the skin. Beat the mustard pieces in Becel until ready, add white w

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Cut carrots and squash into edible slices so they are ready. Pour the pasta into a saucepan add water and salt, let it boil approx. 7 min. Bring the oil on a pan and season squash and carrots until golden, then dry with the thyme and stir it together for

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

First tear the onions so they are almost juice - ie. fine. Then mix this with the meat, the freezer and the egg. Then warm the milk in the microwave / oven and the broth to dissolve. When the broth is dissolved, mix it with the dough and form it so it is light

Mains Comments Paprika Salt ...

The bulbs are cut into coarse tern. Carrots and potatoes are cut into mundane bites. Boil a few dl. Water and dissolve the broths in it. A few handful of vegetables are placed in the bottom of the moisturized roast. Chicken pieces are laid upstairs. Sprinkl

Mains (meljævning as needed) Pepper Rice ...

Bank the chopped chops slightly flat and divide them into 2-3 pieces. Brush them on a pan in a little liquid fat, just brune, not ready to finish. Bring them to a saucepan Brown 2 onion sliced ​​and put them in the saucepan. Boil off with 2 dl. Water a

Mains Oregano Dry cheese Chili ...

Form some meatballs as needed and size (We used Salsiccia sausage - 2 pieces of sausage = 20 small meatballs). Step 5min for good warmth. Cut eggplant, chili (green), 2-3 cloves of garlic & amp; An onion onion and put in a bowl. Remove the meatballs from th