Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Cakes Eggs Poppy seeds Salt ...

Melt the fat and mix it with the water. Dissolve the yeast in it when the water is hand warm. Add the remaining ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. Style it to uplift in a warm place for about 30 minutes. Knead the dough together and roll it out int

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The meat is cut into cubes and Brown. Spices and water is added. Court FRY approximately 1/2 hours. Brown sugar to caramel. Butter is added. In it Brown the whole onion. Apples peeled and cut into cubes. These will be honored along with the onions in som

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Bouillon cube, vegetable ...

The onion chopped finely and Brown along with the meat. Add water to cover the meat along with the bouillon cube, dijon mustard and white wine vinegar. Småkoger ca. 20 min. Add whipping cream and boil up again right before the addition of corn flour jævning

Candy Add if necessary. a little red or yellow food coloring before cooking Citric acid Water ...

Bring water to a boil and pour sugar and grape sugar. the sugar mass Cook into Let about 10 mins, or the temperature is exactly 165 ° c. Pour ca. 1/4 of the indkogte bolchemasse out on an oiled marble plate, add the flavoring and fold the mass along with an

Candy Citric acid Anthocyanins Water ...

We start with putting the ingredients in a pan in the above order. The water should be included to ensure that the mass does not burn on. We put the lid on the pot, without touching the round. Cooktop is put on the 3/4 heat and lets the mass heat up to boil

Candy Add if necessary. a little red or yellow food coloring before cooking Citric acid Water ...

Bring water to a boil and pour sugar and grape sugar. the sugar mass Cook into Let about 10 mins, or the temperature is exactly 165 ° c. Pour ca. 1/4 of the indkogte bolchemasse out on an oiled marble plate, add the flavoring and fold the mass along with an

Candy Add if necessary. a little red or yellow food coloring before cooking Citric acid Water ...

Bring water to a boil and pour sugar and grape sugar. the sugar mass Cook into Let about 10 mins, or the temperature is exactly 165 ° c. Pour ca. 1/4 of the indkogte bolchemasse out on an oiled marble plate, add the flavoring and fold the mass along with an

Candy If desired add a little red drops red food coloring before cooking Water Alm. sugar ...

Bring water to a boil and pour sugar and grape sugar. the sugar mass Cook into Let about 10 mins, or the temperature is exactly 165 ° c. Pour ca. 1/4 of the indkogte bolchemasse out on an oiled marble plate, add the flavoring and fold the mass along with an