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Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains (meljævning as needed) Pepper Rice ...

Bank the chopped chops slightly flat and divide them into 2-3 pieces. Brush them on a pan in a little liquid fat, just brune, not ready to finish. Bring them to a saucepan Brown 2 onion sliced ​​and put them in the saucepan. Boil off with 2 dl. Water a

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Pour the peppers and cut the green stem without destroying the peppers. Rinse them thoroughly so that all the cores come out. Season the meat with salt, pepper and peppers and fill the peppers with it. Lay them in a pan of boiled water (all peppers must be cov

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Mix the salt and pepper in the flour. Turn the meat into it. Pour oil into a saucepan. Brown the meat and pick it up. Pour the bacon into the pan and wrap it until it is crisp and golden. Cut the carrots and parsnips into the tern, add to the saucepan and

Mains The dough Kødblanding Lukewarm vannd ...

Put meat onion and garlic in the margarine Add salt pepper and oregano When it is cooked add tomato sauce and let it cool dough Flour and salt are mixed in a bowl Stir the yeast in lukewarm water and put it in the bowl with fat and eggs Keep one egg ba

Base recipes Oregano Tomato puree Grated onion ...

Mix yeast, milk, oil, salt and pizza together. Let the dough rise for approx. 15 min. Roll out the dough to a square. To the filling, mix tomato puree and onions in a bowl. The mixture is spread over the rolled dough. Then sprinkle ham, cheese and oregano

Mains Cream Red sausages, best for pølseret Tomato puree ...

Cook the potatoes in a saucepan about 1 hour before making the dish, style them in the fridge when they are done so that they can cool ... Pour cream and tomato into a saucepan, on low heat until reddish color. Cut all the potatoes into 4 pieces and put the

Mains Or minced veal and pork Pepper Eggs ...

Fingers mix well with egg onions Raspberry salt and pepper may take a little. Half of the father is put in a well-tanned forehead. Half cooked vegetables and roasted bacon cakes Tomato paste poured over. "What can be but gives a good taste". Finish to

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell peppers into small cubes ...

Dough: Stir yeast and water together. Stir margarine, salt and buttermilk in the mixture. Eat flour for a little while. Leave it in the refrigerator for approx. 1½ hours. Fill: Boil 2 dl rice with 3 dl water and a little salt. While the rice boils you