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Recipes with Tomato puree

Dressing Lemon Garlic Ginger puree ...

First Mayonnaise, crushed garlic and lemon are stirred together. 2 Mayonnaise, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, lemon stir together 3 Cremfraice, red curry paste, ginger pure.koianderpure, lemon juice, samal oelekpure mix together 4 Sweet chilli sauce and so

Soups Oil (to sear vegetables in) Pepper Salt ...

Sweat the onion in a saucepan. Then add the other vegetables and turn them short. Add the bowl, chopped tomatoes and tomato puree. Let the dish boil for 20 minutes. Cook the pasta in a saucepan separately. Season the vegetables and blend them. Add as many

Soups Chili Garlic bread Jævning ...

Peel pumpkin and free it from kernels and "indoors". Cut pumpkin, onion and garlic into coarse terns, and wrap it in a saucepan with grease. Add broth, made of 0.75 liters of boiling water and about 2 broths. Let it all cook for 15 minutes. Blend your mi

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

PROCEDURE Boil the cleaned and rinsed pores in leachate water for 5 minutes. Pour them into an ovenproof dish. Season first vegetables and then meat in a little oil. Add fl. Tomatoes, pure and broth, salt-pepper. Let it boil for about 10 minutes. Pour it

Lunch (to go) Oregano for drysning Ham-strips Tomato puree ...

Stir the yeast into warm water. Then add salt, grahamsmel and wheat flour (pizzamelle) a little at a time. Then pour the dough until it is completely smooth. Then let the dough raise a covered spot for approx. half an hour. To the filling, mix the tomato pure

Soups Soup horn Tomato puree Milk or cream ...

Put the pasta over. (For yourself in the saucepan) Add olive oil to a pan, add the sliced ​​onion, tomato, oregano and garlic to boiling for 10 minutes. Then blend it all and add tomato pure and ketchup. Then it comes back to the saucepan with soup and you

Mains Allround spices Milk (not needed) Margarine ...

potatoes Take '6-8 big potatoes and peel them. Cut them ½ and cook them in a saucepan. When boiling, add a little salt, turn slightly on the heat and let it boil for 20 minutes. ca. When done, cut them into smaller pieces. While the potatoes boil you can p

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

The chops are turned into flour with salt and pepper. Then stew a little on the forehead and put it in a fireproof dish. Bacon, corn, cocktail sausage is placed in the dish and the rest of the flour is sprinkled upstairs. Coffee coffe, whipped cream and tom