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Recipes with Soy sauce

Mains A little fresh chili or chili paste Water Minced garlic ...

Mix a sauce of the first 6 ingredients and let it pull while the dish is cooked. Stir the wok strips in 3 teaspoons of oil for high heat in a wok or slip lightly until they take a little color approx. 2 min. Take the meat up. Bring the last oil on the fo

Mains Spiced Apple Salad Juice of 2 limes Bean sprouts ...

Turkey spice: Cut the turkey fillet into long flat strips (about 1 cm x 3 cm x 20 cm) and place them on wooden spikes. Mix oil, soy, sugar and fish sauce and turn the turkey spices into this marinade. Let them pull for 1 hour on the kitchen table or a little l

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Put the rice in a boil in the water, add 1 teaspoon. salt. Boil for 8 min The excess water is poured off. The rice is another 8 min. Ginger and garlic chopped well and chilli cut into thin slices, all of which are swirled in the oil. The carrots are cut

Mains Basmati rice Wholemeal bread The reef must be from a lime ...

The chicken is divided into 4 pieces and soy and garlic brushed on. The chicken is grilled in the oven for 30-40 minutes. And often reversed. The chicken is cooked when the meat juice is ready Onions and garlic are exchanged in oil in a saucepan. The other

Mains Flat-leaf parsley A few threads of Saffron Juice of ½ lemon ...

Chicken pepper fillets are placed in marinade of chopped coriander, soy, chili sauce, lime juice, salt and pepper in min. 30 min. Before being grilled 3-5 min. on every side. The potatoes are rinsed, boiled and cooled. Fromage frais, lemon juice, cane su

Mains Eggplant Finely chopped herbs Yellow bell pepper ...

The vegetables are cut into coarse pieces which are spun. Mix all the ingredients for marinade and add the spears for at least one hour. Then grill or step in the oven until golden. The rice is boiled according to the instructions on the package and the rest o

Mains Flanksteak Soy sauce Lemon grass ...

Marinated flank steak First, the steak is tapped for the toes and obstacles. Then it must be marinated. In a large bowl, cow's milk and juice and foxes come from the limes. Pour lemon grass into 4 pieces and put it in the bowl. Strike the chili, scrape the ke