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Recipes with Salt

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice as directed on the package and cool. Ham or hamburgry cuts in smaller terns. Spring onions are cut into slices. Rice, ham, onion, peas and corn are mixed. Sprinkle the 3 eggs together before pouring over the rice stock and stirring well in the

Sides Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

The potatoes are packed in foil and baked 1 1/2 hour at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. The bacon is cut into the tern and roasted crispy. Save 4 slices for decoration. The potatoes are packed and halved and hollowed out with a spoon. Al fried moses (hand mixe

Cakes Salt Baking soda Cinnamon ...

Whip egg and sugar white and add the oil. Add roughly grated squash. In another bowl mix flour, baking soda, salt, vanilla sugar and cinnamon. All of it is mixed together and poured into a 20 x 30 cm frying pan and baked for about 40 min at 200 gr

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Boil the noodles in leachate water. Knead the butter, add finely sliced ​​onion and half champingnon. Let it spin a little without taking color. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and add the cream with stirring. Bring ham and peas in and let the

Lunch Lemon juice Curry Paprika ...

Cut fruit and avocado into large coarse terns. On a large dish, the finely sliced ​​iceberg salad is laid. Then 1 kind of melon and avocado, shrimp, banana and finally the last kind of melon. So everything is in layers separately. tips: Server with hot flu

Mains Oil for cooking Pepper Salt ...

Share the eggs (save both white and plum) Sieve 200 g. Flour in a bowl. Add sugar and stir it together. Add egg yolks, beer, salt and pepper and stir it together. Mix milk and water and add to the dough getting thick and even. The dough must now rest for

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Salt Vanilla sugar ...

The chocolate is chopped in rough pieces. Ingredients are mixed. The dough is put with teaspoon in blemishes on the baking sheet with baking paper. Bake 10 min at 180 degrees C. alm. oven. There will be 4 plates of this portion.

Cakes Salt Milk Eggs ...

Mix dough and style for uprising 40 min. Wipe the dough and butter the filling in the middle of the dough. Shaped to rod or pastry and adheres approximately 30 minutes. Brush with egg and sprinkle with sugar and chopped almonds / hazelnuts Bagetid approx. 30