Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Minced parsley A little grated nutmeg Pepper ...

Sprinkle the spinach. Pour spinach into a sieve when it is completely thawed and squeeze most of the water. Put the spinach back into the pan and whip the whipped cream together with a little nutmeg and salt & amp; Pepper and let it simmer quietly for some ti

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Put the boiled drip pasta in an ovenproof dish. Parsley cut into slices, put in a bowl and pour over boiling water and stand for a couple of minutes. Pour into a sieve so the water runs out. Bacon is shredded and broken into small pieces. Pears and bacon are

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Egg for brushing and oatmeal to sprinkle Salt ...

Pour A38 and water into a bowl and dissolve the yeast. Add salt, sugar and egg. First stir the oatmeal and afterwards the flour in the liquid and stir until it has a porridge-like consistency. Cover the bowl with a cloth and let the dough raise a warm pl

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Rice ...

Mushrooms, onion and squash are placed in a greased ovenproof dish and seasoned with all-round spices. Place the fish on top and season with salt and pepper. Add about 1½ dl broth and spread carrot and tomato at the top. Bake in a 200 ° hot oven for about

Mains Peper Rice or fresh pasta as an accessory Peeled tomatoes ...

steaks: 1. The grater is soaked in the milk. 2. stir the meat with rasp, egg, onion and salt. 3. The meat is formed into steaks, which are browned on the forehead of the margarine. sauce: 4th Chopped. Garlic pressed. 5. Onions, garlic and chamignon are

Cold cuts Salt Cayenne pepper Cumin seeds ...

It all blends together into a soft texture with possibly little water. Season with salt. tips: Spice a homemade spelled bowl and benefit hummus and lettuce leaves in between. Tastes super amazing - and that federal does not;)

Cakes Salt Eggs Sugar ...

Butter and milk are heated until the butter is melted and the milk is finger warm. The yeast is crumbled in a bowl and dissolved in the warm milk. Add sugar and salt and stir to sugar and salt is dissolved. Cardamom and flour are added and the dough is smoo

Cakes Egg white Whole egg Cinnamon ...

The yeast is chewed in lukewarm milk. Sugar and eggs are combined and added. Flour and salt are mixed and added gradually. The dough is aged well and rises for 20-25 minutes. The dough is knocked down and rolled out on a scratched table. Mix the filling and