Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Milk Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Stir the dressing together and season with salt, pepper, peppers, ketchup and lemon. Make the sauce according to the instructions on the back of the letter and let it warm and warm on the flare. Pan the 2 fish fillets into the egg and rasp. Sprinkle with

Cakes in form Salt Coffee Cinnamon ...

Add almonds / walnuts to the food processor and blend them to the nearest nutmeg. Then come in and blend it again. The dates can be replaced with raisins, but the raisins will taste more through. Bring the rest of the ingredients into the food processor and ru

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Cocktail sausages ...

Heel it all in a bowl and whip it up like it in a pan and let it steal for 10 minutes and forty tips: Also good with some bacon

Mains Bollion (fish or beef) Chilie (according to taste) Wheat flour ...

Cook the fresh roast about 25 min. When it's cool the arrow shins off and mashes it fine. Blended with bollion and some water. Add spices, eggs, onion, and the rest to the father for a good and consistent consistency. Step them as alm. Frothels in oil or ma

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Meat sauce: Chop onion and garlic and jalapenos, Bring oil into a saucepan, pour the onions first. Let them become "transparent." Then come in. The garlic in. Then bring the meat in and leave it brown. Taste with curry and mayonnaise. Add the chopped tom

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil ...

Procedure: Boil spaghetti as directed on the bag. Season the onions in oil until they are ready. Add the crushed garlic and half cherry tomatoes and simmer approx. 5 min. Add Cremefine and let it boil. Season with salt and pepper. Turn the sauce with the cooke

Mains Fresh basil leaves Pepper Salt ...

Boil bead as described on the bag and add 1/2 broth in the water instead of salt. Cut asparagus in oblique slices obliquely. Cut pepper and onion onions. Sprinkle lemons in half. Stack the salmon fillets on a large pan together with the half lemons. Take

Mains Becel liquid for frying the steaks Pepper Salt ...

Eel the meat loosely with the spice mixture and form 4 big steaks. Brown them on a forehead and raise them if necessary. Finish in the oven at 180 degrees C for approx. 10 min. Peel root vegetables and potatoes and cut them into coarse pieces. Boil them ten