Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Desserts (cold) Brown sugar EVS. Saffron Yellow buddingpulver ...

Cook a lind porridge of rice and 1.7 l milk, a pinch of salt and possibly. saffron. Stir the pudding powder into the remaining milk with the sugar (follow the instructions on the bag) and stir the mixture into the finished hot porridge. Pour it into a servi

Sides White pepper Salt Mustard powder ...

Arrow and squeezed garlic cloves. Bowl garlic, egg yolk, mustard powder, vinegar and salt in a bowl. Whip the oil for a little while. First drop so that the oil is whipped all the way into the egg yolks, a little more at a time. Stir the water in the end, so t

Salads Pepper Vinegar Cucumber ...

Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Put the cucumber slices in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and let them pull for approx. 20 min. Boil vinegar with sugar and pepper for five minutes. Let it cool Rinse the salt of the cucumber discs and press them out of wa

Appetizers Oil/butter Pepper Salt ...

If the spinal cord is not removed, first do this. It's easy to cut it off. The fillets are rinsed and diced dry, after which you season them with salt and pepper on the meat side. Fold them in the middle (crosswise), so it's only the skinside that turns out. T

Appetizers Dill Oil/butter Pepper ...

The silk fillets are rinsed and dried dry. If there is a spinal cord on the herring, cut it off. Butter the fillets on the meat side with a little dijon mustard and put a few small dill on. Season with salt and pepper and fold the fillets together. So they

Bread, buns & biscuits A little sugar Eggs Salt ...

The yeast is crumbled and stirred in the 35 degree warm milk, 100 grams of flour is added and the dough is whipped together with a fork. It will be a pretty linden dough. It is raised for a raised place for approx. one hour. The egg is whipped together with

Appetizers Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Crème fraiche 38% Dill, fresh ...

Lay the salmon slices on a piece of wita wrap. They must be in two rows so the discs will overlap. Pour all the spinach and mix with the cheese, season with salt and pepper. Grease the mixture on the salmon slices and roll into a roulade. Close the wrap wel

Appetizers Oil/butter Pepper Salt ...

The fillets are rinsed and dipped dry. Spice them with salt and pepper on the meat side, and then turn them in rye flour. Common wheat flour can also be used, but rye flour gives a better taste. If you do not have rye flour, a little wheat flour can be "sha