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Recipes with Pine nuts

Sides Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Select 16 large vine leaves and rinse them thoroughly. Put them to drain in a sieve. Cook the rice according to the instructions on the package. The hot rice is stirred well with raisins, pine nuts, olive oil and Mint, salt and freshly ground pepper. Let th

Salads Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

The flower separate into small florets and blanched the cabbage in 3 minutes. Cools. Bacon diced roasted crispy and placed on fat sucking paper. Pine kernels toasting. The tomatoes cut into both. Chop chop. Vinegar, oil, garlic, salt and pepper to tas

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter ...

Mix together a brine in a frying pan of grated and the juice of 2 oranges finely grated ginger, chili, and acacia honey. Hot sheet slowly up. Brown ox tykkammen in Golden butter and oil in a skillet, pour the fat from, season with salt and pepper and then c

Mains Coarse salt Pepper Salt ...

The rice is boiled in 2 ½ dl water in about 15 minutes. Pine kernels roasted on a dry pan. The meat is cut into very small cubes. Season with salt and pepper and, if desired. other spices. Add a little oil, and the filling is ready. Vinbladene rinse. Put 1-2 t

Breakfast & brunch Fresh chili (without seeds) Garlic Large teaspoon dried parsley ...

2 teaspoons pine nuts is the beans are placed in a blended sauce consisting of: 2 tomatoes 1 garlic clove 1 large teaspoon dried parsley 1/2tsk fresh chili (without seeds) placed neatly on a plate and dehydrated.

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Lemon juice thereof ...

4 saté or barbecue skewer, if you use satéspid then put them in the water a few hours before you need them. This avoids that they burn. Start by making a layer of olive oil, the chopped parsley, lemon juice, the pressed garlic cloves, oregano, salt and pepp

Appetizers Mixed salad Lemon usprøjtet Fresh basil ...

Herb butter is made first: Parsley, fresh basil, the shell of a quarter of a lemon, half a clove of garlic, pine nuts and salt and pepper to blend. To finish, add butter. Humme's tail party shared with a knife, and the black string are removed. Tails out in

Salads Lemon Minced parsley Pine nuts ...

Let the shrimp drag in lemon juice-the taste is increased if the småkoger a couple of minutes. Green sauce: Oil, pine seeds, garlic, the watered-down anchovy fillets and capers blended to a la sauce. The shrimp eaten with the sauce as a dip.