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Recipes with Pepper

Sides Chopped Basil at will Pepper Salt ...

Cut the squashen in 1 cm. thick slices or strips. Fry them in oil until they are soft and light brown. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. The vegetables served over løskogte rice.

Sides Pepper Salt Mayonnaise or sour cream 18% ...

Crack squashene lengthwise and scrape out selling the pulp concerned (can be used with other vegetables for salad). Mix all the other ingredients and favor filling in squash boats.

Sides Pepper Salt Scallions or chives ...

Saute the zucchini slices into oil. Place them on absorbent paper and then arrange them on 4 plates. Mix the dressing of the other ingredients and pour over squash slices.

Sides Grated cheese Oregano Pepper ...

Heat the oil in a pan and gently fry up the onion and garlic for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until most of the væden is cooked in. This blend lends itself well to a ovnret with 3-4 dl. cooked rice at the bottom and a layer of grated

Sides Pepper Salt Medium sized squash into thin strips ...

Gently fry the thin peppers and carrot strips in hot oil for 1 minute. Add the celery and zucchini and stir for 1 minute. Pour broth over, put a lid on and let it spin in ½ minute. Add the peas and give the vegetables for 1 minute. Season to taste and serve.

Sides Pepper Salt Basil ...

Boil squashene until they are barely tender. Crack them lengthwise, take out and chop the selling the pulp concerned. Sauté the onion in the butter and add the pulp, wheat germ, tomato and herbs. Let it cook a little in and season with salt and pepper. F

Sides Minced parsley Pepper Granola (whole grain bread crumbs) ...

Remove kernels from zapallitosringene and place each ring on a piece of buttered foil. Mix all other ingredients well and place a portion into each ring. Came a few dabs butter on top and wrap it tightly together. Bake at 200 degrees 1 30-40 minutes.

Sides Pepper Salt Green bell pepper into strips ...

Cut a large square of thick tinfoil. Mix all ingredients and put them on the square. Fold it so carefully that the juice will not leak out. Put the packet on the grill in 35-40 minutes and turn it every once in a while the grilling. The package can also bake i