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Recipes with Lemon

Desserts (cold) Cointreu Mint Parchment paper disposable icing bag (plastic) ...

Sugar and egg whites whipped into firm foam with the hand mixer. In the plastic lid cut two round holes with hobby knife after template by laying out approximately 6 cm. On wax paper laid bare the lid and lubricated with meringue, lifted up so that the bottoms

Cakes in form Parpirsformer (silicone form from tupperwear) Lemon Vanilla sugar ...

Cut the apricots into small cubes. Grate the peel of the lemon and squeeze the juice out. Getting all the ingredients in a bowl and stir them together. Came the dough into shapes. Behind them ca. 10 – 15 minutes at 200 °.

Lunch Orange Lemon Vinegar ...

The herrings are cleaned and watered out one night where after they cut into appropriate pieces. Fitted sheet is mixed together with the juice from the lemon and appelsinen. The yellow layer of Orange and lemon cut into matchstick thin pieces and mixed in alon

Appetizers Lemon Sambal oelek Isinglass, leaves ...

Soft husblasen up in cold water, wring the easy free of most of the water, and melt it over a water bath. Mayonnaise, sour cream and lemon stirred together. Tuna, onion and salt blended or moses well, depending on whether you want to have tunstykker in,

Mains Cinnamon (complete) Cinnamon (powdered) Pigeon apples ...

The loin and Brown afpareres, Poultry-mousseline (80 g Turkey meat, 1 dl cream, ½ dl. egg whites) are produced. Made cold. The vegetables must be cleaned, rinsed and cut to garnish, laid over to fund reduction approx. 2 dl., season with coarse mustard and lemo

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Flesh-Trimmings tenderloin for chain muscle, sinew and membranes or ask the butcher about it. Mix the hazelnut, a sprig of chopped thyme flakes, salt and pepper. Turn the Tenderloin in the beaten egg and then into the nut mixture. Heat the oil in a frying pan

Sides Lemon Carrots Honey ...

To choose one or more of these oven-baked vegetables. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into the appropriate size. FX like fries. The vegetables are mixed thoroughly, separately, with olive oil and spices in a plastic bag and spread out on a baking pan

Mains Milk Corn flour Olive oil ...

Rinse chicken. The skin from the neck bent so that it covers for the hole as much as possible, and be fastened to the meat with 3-4 kødnåle. The chicken then added in a heat-proof platter. The half lemon cut 3-4 both. Red Onion cut into 4-6 both individual clo