Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Finely chopped onion

Sides Fintsnittet Chinese cabbage Minced parsley White pepper ...

The potatoes is cleaned, packaged individually into the tinfoil and bake in the oven at 200 ° c for ca. l 1/4 hour. The potatoes are packed out (let, if desired, the aluminium foil sit on the lower part of the potato), and cut a cross at the top. The potato is

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The aubergines are halved and kødes is taken out. The meat '. Onion, mushroom and bell pepper Sauté in pan. When the peppers are tender, invert tomato cubes in and the entire heat through with thyme, salt and pepper. Fill in the hollow Eggplant which is then s

Salads Finely chopped onion Capers Curry ...

Tuna mixed with parsley and caper It reversed in the touched dressing. Served in a bowl decorated with tomato boats. Toasted bread be eaten.

Mains Or 0.5 dl. soya meal Vegetables Cooked rice equivalent to 3 cups raw rice ...

Boil the rice. Then stir it all together for a steady father's and FRY as meatballs. Accessories: Tastes great with vegetables.

Mains 0.5-1 dl. whipping cream Pepper Salt ...

Arrow onions and chop them finely. Cut the sausages in the oblique washers. Cut the potatoes into slices. Brown fat easily in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Saute the onions until they are crisp and Golden, then add the sausages and paprika, and saute them with

Mains White pepper A little lemon juice Pepper ...

The flesh is cut out in four straight thick steaks. In each steak cut a deep pocket. Norway lobster-tails toasting on a hot pan in a little good olive oil. Lobster broth is complied by, and it all boils approx. 4 minutes. Then met cremefrâiche on, and it all b

Mains Roughly chopped parsley Soy sauce for brushing Freshly ground pepper ...

Put the breadcrumbs soaked in milk for about 10 min and stir the chopped meat with salt, pepper and onion. Add the soaked bread crumbs a little at a time and let rest a bit. forcemeat Form 12 small patties that are wrapped with a strip of bacon and put in a sm

Sides Finely chopped garlic Olive oil Ham, diced ...

The Green olive chicken in boiling water and pour them in a sieve. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skins and seeds and cut them into cubes. Heat olive oil in a pan, add the onion, garlic and bell pepper and sau